Numerology – the hidden meaning of numbers and letters

Numerology is the vibrational meaning of numbers, digits. Numerology points out that nothing is a coincidence – the universe can be explained by mathematics. In ancient times, numerology was a sacred science. By understanding the numbers in our environment, we can understand ourselves and the phenomena around us.

What is numerology about

Numerology indicates character traits, appearance, skills…
We can also observe angelic care if sequences of numbers appear around us, such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55… 111, 222, 333, 444, 555… 11:22, 12:12, 22:22…
It will not be a coincidence to wake up every night at 2:22, receive a room at No. 44 on the 4th floor, visit on October 10 at 10 am…

The meaning of zero

The meaning of zero is often overlooked. Zero means divine guidance, unlimited and infinitely great – it is everything, it is the basis.

Number of Angels

1: creativity – you should be focused on positive, joyful aspects,

2: declaring the right state – this is how it is supposed to be, this state attracts relevant phenomena, people, events,

3: the care of the ascended masters – higher figures are present around, they give love, help on the path of life,

4: the care of angels – you can ask for their help, pray to them, they are next to them and listen, heal,

5: changes – you can ask angels for support in the process of accepting changes in life,

6: fear for materiality – one should trust, believe in positive consequences, abandon fear and negative thoughts – manifest tides, while remembering to be good and do good – this will be rewarded,

7: happiness – the right way, possibilities, inner wisdom, creativity, the ability to attract the desired circumstances,

8: infinity – prosperity and abundance around, achieving goals, intentions, implementing plans,

9: the need to act – the right conditions to take a step forward, this figure is to mobilize to take a step forward – says: “move”, “act”,

11: respect for intuition – a powerful number indicating intuition, enlightenment, spirituality, can manifest itself in doubts, opposition to general views, you should trust yourself,

13: divine, feminine energy – it is omitted, but it is extremely important, it helps to tune in to the right frequencies, it is the number of energy and brightness, it is pure magic, you should maintain optimism, verve to action, it is climbing, the way to greatness, at the same time you should enjoy each subsequent rung, notice beauty,

22: listening to prayers – benefits, upcoming success, you should patiently go to the goal, to fulfill your dreams, awareness and inspiration are important,

33: strong support of the ascended masters – you should trust your intuition, look around, verify information, repair, and a cleaned, improved environment will benefit and allow you to achieve the intended goals,

Repeated three digits – 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666… – testify to the strengthening of the action, the intensification of the power of individual digits. This means powerful changes in life.

Numbers of type 1234, 345, 789… – means stairs, climbing, pushing forward, leading, conduction.

000: huge, intensified power, boost, unity, potential, but for the force to work, it must have an open gate, access, so you should be open, believe, show willingness,

0000: a new beginning, a powerful change,

00000: the situation comes full circle, return to the starting point – you should focus on other signs that will tell you which way to act to make a change,

111: access to higher spirituality, consciousness, love, angels indicate by these numbers that great faith in one’s own abilities, optimism and willingness is needed, this indication of the way forward with the right attitude, the possibilities are enormous,

222: the angels are around, they are ready to answer requests, they are waiting for them – a sensational moment for affirmations, manifestations, prayers, everything is on the right track, there is balance, it is necessary to trust and not to deviate from the path, so as not to disturb it,

333: the unity of mind, spirit and body is the number of the master, the spiritual teacher,

444: the number of angels who support, work, give a sign that they are next to them, have unconditional love, is a time of personal development, a sign of pride in themselves, you can ask the angels for support, attunement. 444 is a symbol of love, blessing of life, fulfillment of dreams,

555: spiritual freedom, movement, change, activity… 555 means many changes and activities, it is necessary to gather strength to be able to face everyone, the angels support in moving forward,

666: the call of the angels to focus more on spirituality, to move away from so much absorption into material matters, an important message to open the mind, the heart, to pay attention to feelings, relationships. 666 is a symbol of fear and uncertainty, which must be replaced by joy and love,

777: positive changes, readiness for spiritual growth, psychic skills, paranormal, clairvoyance, inspiration, creativity, art,

888: great happiness, if 8 occurs 3x on the date of birth, it means a person with great happiness. 888 is love, power, openness. According to Chinese beliefs, it is the number of fortunes, the desired number,

999: the arrival of a new, a new way, a new chapter, an experience. A person who has three nines around him is expected to do more spiritually oriented. Strength is required, stubborn pursuit of the goal. The road can be difficult, but you have to be persistent, and you will achieve amazing things, experience extraordinary things. 999 is strength and stubbornness in action, but also fulfillment and joy,

11:11 important message,

22:22 spiritual attunement to the universe, awakening,

12:12 newness, formation of the new, challenge, inner strength, number of prophets, mission to make great changes.

Letter numerology

Angel numbers can be found in our names, surnames, names of cities and streets.

Numerology of letters