Wawel Chakra – a powerful energy center in Krakow

The Wawel Chakra is located in Krakow on the Wawel Hill. According to various sources, there…

Hermes Trismegistos

Hermes Trismegistos (meaning “Hermes Thrice Great”) is a legendary figure identified with the sage, teacher and…

Vibrations and attractiveness

The goal of each of us is to achieve enlightenment in our current or future incarnations.…

Violet flame at work with human energy

Working with the violet flame is mainly practiced by people interested in spiritual development and meditation. Using…

Maltese Cross – a symbol of power under God’s control

The Maltese Cross is a symbol of the perfect balance of the flame of God: “as…

Cloud of light – exercise

Saint Germain, in the book “On Alchemy – Formulas for Self-Transformation”, presents an exercise whose aim…

Frequency of emotions

The goal of every soul is development. Development in individual individuals occurs at very different intensity.…

Channeling in practice

Each of us has the opportunity to become an energy channel. As a channel, we are…

Bruno Gröning – a healer from the 20th century

Bruno Groening was a German spiritual healer and teacher. He is remembered for his extraordinary ability…

Snake – symbolism, meaning

The snake in many cultures is a symbol of power, strength and wisdom. He is perceived…

Four levels of energy

There are four basic levels of energy: Core, Crystalline, Cosmic, and Earthly. Each of the levels…

Saint Germain – the enlightened master

Saint Germain is an enigmatic figure known for hundreds of years. He is believed to be…

Programming yourself

From an early age, we are programmed by others. We are taught the rules and dependencies…

Maharishi effect

The Maharishi effect is a phenomenon observed in the field of quantum physics. The phenomenon was…

Coffee nap

Coffee naps in recent years have gained popularity due to their effectiveness in providing quick bursts…

Luminescence and bioluminescence

Luminescence and bioluminescence are two different forms of light emission. Bioluminescence is the production of light…

What is Karma – Bible, Hinduism, Buddhism

Karma is a faith shared by many different religions, cultures and philosophies. It states that our…

How to read the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an ancient collection of energy records that contain information about the journeys…

Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an ancient metaphysical library of energetic records that contain the history, knowledge,…

Sexual chakra

The sexual chakra (also called sacred) is the energy center in the body that is associated…

The energy of thought – the source of creation

Thought energy is a powerful force that has been studied for centuries. Many claim that it…

Plants have feelings – a reaction to sounds

The idea that plants have feelings and can respond to stimuli has been the subject of…

Tantra – the connection of body, mind and soul

Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that originated in India thousands of years ago. It focuses…

Internal, external energy and energy tuning

Energy is a fundamental concept in the universe. There are many different types of energy. However,…

Kundalini – human internal energy

The inner energy of Kundalini is considered to be the most powerful force dormant in man.…

Channeling – how to become clairvoyant

Channeling is the process of connecting with a higher spiritual source for insight and knowledge. It…

Zodiac signs – elements

The twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into four elements: earth, air, fire and water.…

How to recognize an old soul – characteristics of an advanced soul

There is a lot of information, even contradictory information, relating to the characteristics of the old…

Reincarnation – what it is and what is the evidence for its existence

Reincarnation is the belief that after death a person’s soul will be reborn in another body.…

Reiki signs – what they look like, how they work

Reiki is a healing practice that uses energy to restore balance and harmony in body, mind…

How energy is felt – Reiki

During a Reiki session, energy flows through both the therapist and the client. The reaction can…

Metaphysical energy – let’s take care of our well-being

Metaphysical energy is also known by the terms spirit, prana, essence, chi. It is invisible, immeasurable,…

Remote Reiki sessions – effective healing without leaving home

Reiki is a method of energy healing that can be done not only stationary, but from…

Mudras – hand positions that support health

Mudras are hand poses that are commonly used in yoga, meditation, and various spiritual practices. They…

Reiki massage – what it is, what benefits it brings, how to prepare for it

Reiki is a form of alternative medicine that uses energy to heal. This method was developed…

Reiki – a natural method of healing with energy

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It is based on the…

Chakra development cycles – check what stage you are at

Chakras, which are energy points in the area of the human body, develop during a person’s…

Brahma Muhurtha – the best time for meditation

Brahmamuhurta (or Brahma Muhurtha) is a sacred period of time that occurs just before sunrise. It…

Popular incense for energy purification

Incense is often used to purify energy in rooms, or to purify the energy stored in…

Reiki – Japanese method of energy healing

Reiki is a Japanese method of healing, which involves the transfer of healing energy by the…

Huna – an ancient natural method of healing

Huna in translation from hawaiian means mystery, secret. It is an ancient system of healing, spiritual…

Symptoms of Kundalini awakening

Kundalini energy can awaken spontaneously, or it can be awakened consciously. Regardless of how it is…

Kundalini energy – what it is and who experiences it

Kundalini is the primordial force of awakening. It is the energy of the life force, the…

Yoga – ancient Indian philosophy body and mind

Yoga is translated as: unity, integration, connection. It is a system of Indian philosophy, assuming the…

Yin & Yang – opposite energies that create life

Life energy depends on the harmony of the poles – Yin and Yang. Everything that exists…

Impact of sound – sound frequencies and their effects

The universe is based on vibrations of different frequencies – it generates sounds. Sound is the…

Hypothermia – an alarmingly low body temperature

Hypothermia is a state of lowering the human body temperature below the assumed value of 35…

Energy vampires – who are they and what types of vampires are there

Energy vampires are people who draw energy from others to a greater extent than they transmit.…

Yin-Yang balance according to Chinese medicine

The Yin-Yang symbol comes from ancient Chinese medicine. It represents two energies – female and masculine.…

Chakras – what are they and what is their role in the body

In human bodies, there are points where energy accumulates. There are seven main energy centers, located…