Four levels of energy

There are four basic levels of energy: Core, Crystalline, Cosmic, and Earthly. Each of the levels is important for a human. People who have a passion for life that attracts energies are able to achieve the seemingly impossible. Understanding how energy works allows us to open up more and experience on a larger scale what we really expect.

Core energy

The first level of energy – which is closest to us – is called Core energy. There is always the same amount of energy and it is only ours. It cannot be taken away by anyone or destroyed by anything. This is our Core energy, personal energy, the energy of each individual that cannot be mixed or fused with the energy of any other souled being. The core energy is so close to us that we are not even aware of it, but it is always present. It has no mass. It has no color. It is absolutely clean. It is unchanging. It cannot be given to anyone else and nothing can contaminate it. This Core energy is meant for every single person and is what is closest to divine passion.

Crystalline energy

The next level is called Crystalline energy. Crystalline energy arises when we meet other beings endowed with a soul. When our Self, our self-awareness is in contact with the Self and the self-awareness of others. The union and rapprochement of souled beings created a level called Crystalline energy. This energy, like Core energy, is pure, but requires the meeting of two or more conscious beings. It is a very beautiful and refined energy, but because it is not uniquely ours, it does not have the same degree of purity as our Core energy.

Crystalline energy is a wonderful energy to use when accessed – especially when working with other people. This energy should be used in particular by healers, teachers, guides performing group projects. Using it brings a whole new level of transparency and passion to our collective creation. Crystalline energy is also always present. It is around all of us now. It is a very strong energy that is constantly changing. There are different variants of it, because its strength fluctuates from time to time. Crystalline energy is one of the reasons why people band together. In one incarnation they are warriors, in the next they are family because there is a Crystalline energy for this group. Later it turns into karma and a whole host of other things, but the Crystalline energy created by this group can remain untouchable for a very long time. Each family has its own kind of energy for itself.

Cosmic energy

The third level is Cosmic energy. Cosmic energies are the first energies that have begun to flow into physical reality, into our physical universe and into some of the dimensions that surround us. These energies are much more dense than Core or Crystalline energies. Cosmic energies are the building blocks of the universe. They allow things like time, space, and matter to function.
Cosmic energies can flow in and out of the dense, physical reality of Earth, as can Crystalline energies (but not Core energies). In other words, here on Earth we have access to Cosmic and Crystalline energies. Generally people do not use Cosmic energies, but sometimes they are used by other beings in the cosmos. Cosmic energies can be wonderfully used for things like space travel or transcending some material obstacles such as gravity or other physical forces. Cosmic energies are very important when we become self-aware and operate in multiple realities simultaneously, because these other realities do not necessarily use the energies of the Earth. So Cosmic energies can be achievable in our multidimensional realities when we go on a journey or want to experience multidimensional reality here on Earth.

Earth energy

The fourth energy level is Earth energies used by human beings in this reality. It is these energies that make up matter and earth physics and science. They make up the vast majority of what people use all the time. Earth energies are very dense and solid compared to others. They don’t move too fast, they’re not too flexible.

Energy comes from passion

There are four basic types of energy that we usually work with, all of which come from the passion of the soul. They have been reduced in scale, lowered and condensed from level to level, but they all come from the same source – our passion – and this should make us realize something very important.

One of the greatest challenges of enlightenment is the loss of what we call passion. Along the way, we lost that original passion and humanly associated it with something that wasn’t really a real passion. It was more like a strong desire.

A human passion was something that kept us busy – a hobby or an activity, a passion for gardening, a passion for volunteering, or a passion for reading – and suddenly it’s gone. Astonished, we ask – Where has my passion gone? One of the most common questions people wake up to is – How do I get my passion back?

True passion is being able to exist here as a human being and soul and feel into I EXIST, I AM. The real passion and what really attracts energy is this core statement – I EXIST. This is the true passion of the soul and what attracts abundance, creativity, health and everything else we desire.

The article is mostly a quote (with minor changes) from the book: The Game of Consciousness How Your Reality is Created and How You Can Change It, by Adamus Saint-Germain in the Transmission of Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe