From an early age, we are programmed by others. We are taught the rules and dependencies generally accepted in the community in which we are located. We are instilled with content that shapes ethics, culture, and reactions that others believe we should adopt to certain behaviors.
Nervousness, stress, anger are caused by situations against which we were brought up and programmed. Man has programmed himself and others for suffering, for punishment, for diseases. The discrepancy between the generally accepted rules and our own behavior is to lead to a penalty. We know it from our parents, we know it from teachers, from religion, from compulsory reading, which we have to thoroughly analyze in terms of already established interpretation.
Forcing, telling obvious suffering, diseases is a great environment for business. Recently, you can even buy insurance against cancer and other diseases. These ads are so common and so structured that they even urge people to be afraid of getting cancer and buy the right package. There are many similar situations. This is disease programming. Not just diseases in general, but specific diseases.
Already children are programmed for diseases, e.g. hearing the slogans that as a result of not wearing a hat they will get sick. More and more teenagers and adults believe that they suffer from depression. Depression, i.e. lowering one’s value and willingness to live, has become popular, one could even risk saying that it has become “fashionable”. Depression can explain everything. It does not help that many people go to church and stare at Jesus nailed to the cross, suffering, dripping with blood. The “faithful” beat their fist in the heart, repeating that it was their fault. They repent of sins they did not commit. They hear that the way to “salvation” is through suffering.
At school, we are programmed for limited thinking, pre-established barriers that do not allow us to think creatively, to go beyond the scheme. In the media, mass media, we still hear about catastrophes, accidents, wars, murders. Advertisements between these content encourage the purchase of certain drugs, toys, trips, and donations to the accounts of various foundations.
In this way, a person closes himself in the scheme defined by the dominant group. Has a sense of commitment to specific responses. She blindly follows fashion and trends. He regularly visits certain places – because he has to. He buys certain products – because in the ad they said they were the best and would provide protection against something that could happen, so it’s better to protect yourself.
People programmed in a certain way seem to be unaware of the enormous possibilities they are capable of. On the contrary – they consider weird people who have an open mind, strive for development, follow different paths.
In myths, fairy tales, legends, things happen that we are capable of. If the human mind was able to create such visions in theory, it could also implement them in practice.
Quantums behave as expected by the observer. Each of us is energy and each of us is an observer! Therefore, each of us has the power to manipulate energy and create desired phenomena from it.
This is how man manages his energy. It creates in itself a state of health, illness, joy, sadness, transforms energy into specific products, works.
A man susceptible to the influence of others will adapt his own energy field to the norms and schemes imposed by others. When he is told to be sick, he will be sick, when he is told to start a family, he will force himself to start one, when he is told to grow old at 30, he will grow old then, and when someone will program him to die at the age of 70 – he will die then. Sung on a birthday “happy birthday” limits the possibility of a longer life.
A conscious man notices such dependencies, cuts himself off from them, creates a protective barrier and reprograms himself.
When we are confident in our abilities, we will rise above the average. We will achieve our dream goals if we are convinced of their implementation.
It is important to think about yourself in a way that transcends barriers. To convince ourselves that we are open to the unlimited. We are capable of vast knowledge, unwavering health, daily happiness, and long life. Let’s not hesitate to think about living more than 200, 300, 500 years. The higher our vibrations, the more open we are, the more confident we are, the more we can realize.
The most important thing in all of this is unconditional love. Above all, let’s love ourselves. Let’s accept ourselves fully. There can be no doubt, no flaw in our self-image. Let’s love ourselves as we are. Fully. Let’s forgive each other for all our actions. Let’s look at ourselves as a perfect, happy, loving being. Let us then look at others in the same way.
Each of us represents the most perfect person at this moment of our existence. Each of us is currently the best possible version of ourselves at the moment. We all strive for development, for enlightenment. We do it at different speeds. Therefore, acceptance and understanding are important. For us, the most important thing is our own energy, our own environment. Let’s be open, let’s open up to dreams, to their realization, to infinite beauty, happiness, goodness, love. Each situation can be considered in two ways – let’s notice the more positive one, let’s focus on it, and it will happen.
Each of us has a divine element within us, each of us is God. Each of us has the ability to think and create. So let’s create. These are our great abilities, powers. Let’s create new, more wonderful. Let’s improve our works.
Each of us is a superhero. Let’s think about ourselves.
What are your powers? π