Kundalini – human internal energy

The inner energy of Kundalini is considered to be the most powerful force dormant in man. It is the consciousness energy that comes from the major energy centers and has the potential to transform the spiritual path. Awakening this inner potential can be difficult, but there are several ways to help you achieve it.

What is Kundalini energy

Kundalini energy is the life energy that is within every human being. It is an energy hidden deep within the body and soul, and its full opening can significantly change lives. The name Kundalini comes from the Sanskrit words “Kundala” meaning “spiral movement” or “rotation” – which symbolizes the potential for inner transformation and awakening of spiritual fullness of man.

The genesis of Kundalini energy

This type of energy has been practiced since ancient times throughout the world. According to Hindu teachings, this unique form of energizing glow has its source in the sacred – the shaft between the hips, which according to traditional meditation teachers is the center of strength and emotional intelligence.

Kundalini practice

The traditional meditation practice of Kundalini energy includes breathing techniques, physical postures and mantras. In addition, slogans are used to activate this internal energizing system. Thanks to this process, you can get to know yourself more deeply. Working with Kundalini energy allows you to identify yourself as a representative of people aware of their purpose and vocation.

How to open the Kundalini inner energy

The most popular way to open the Kundalini energy is meditation. One should focus on one’s body and breath and have the intention to awaken the Kundalini energy.

Increasingly, yogic practice, called Kundalini Yoga, is used. In this method, the assumption is to open the Kundalini energy through yogic asanas (postures) and pranayamas (breathing techniques). The combination of movement, breath and visualization techniques is designed to stimulate Kundalini energy to activate.

Another way is music therapy – so playing special instruments such as tanpura, cymbals, Tibetan bowls, handpan, etc. Not necessarily the playing itself, but also listening to the sounds of these instruments in a state of deep relaxation allows you to stimulate internal energy. Music should be tuned to 528 Hz – a frequency called the “measure of love” – which has a healing and therapeutic effect, raising the vibrations of the physical body. This is conducive to opening human energy pathways.