Vibrations and attractiveness

The goal of each of us is to achieve enlightenment in our current or future incarnations. Enlightenment is the achievement of very high vibrations. People with high vibrations become noticeable and attractive to those around them. It is impossible to miss such a person.

As I mentioned in previous entries, the height of our vibrations depends on our feelings, our behavior, actions and reactions. Among low vibrations there is a feeling of fear, anger, humiliation, low vibration is a state of depression, breakdown, sadness. High vibrations mean optimism, motivation, action, acceptance, love, peace…

High vibrations make us healthier, more vital, and their emanation is felt by our surroundings, which in response feel the need to be among us. High vibrations are a magnet. We intuitively notice which people have higher energy fields and we feel attracted to being among them. Therefore, high vibrations make us attractive to those around us. People who need warmth, kindness and pure love will naturally seek contact with us.

To vibrate higher, we need to unlock our heart chakra. It is important to introduce pure acceptance into your life, to love yourself fully and to accept others. Everyone has their own path, their own level of development. We don’t all have to walk in the same direction. Sooner or later, people similar to us, close to us, will begin to appear in our environment. Our vibrations determine whether we will be attractive to people with a nice, friendly disposition, or rather to people who look for holes and irregularities and feed on them (energy vampirism).

Many people translate attractiveness into looking for a permanent life partner. Perhaps unconsciously, some people cripple themselves with various negative thoughts, fear, and lack of self-confidence. Then it is difficult to expect that among those interested in them there will be people with high energy fields. Making yourself a victim does not impress, but rather encourages you to run away.

If we want to attract people with high energy fields, we should develop such fields ourselves.