Channeling in practice

Each of us has the opportunity to become an energy channel. As a channel, we are able to benefit from the goods of universal energy. This connection allows us to draw strength for healing and growth. Channeling is a powerful tool that can be used to heal physical ailments, emotional trauma, mental blocks, or anything else that requires transformation.

What is channeling

Channeling is a powerful practice that can help us access higher levels of consciousness and gain insight into our lives. By learning to channel, we can open ourselves to the divine energy (can also be called Source energy, universe energy, etc. depending on preference) that exists around us and use it for guidance, healing and transformation. To begin channeling, we must have a clear intention to connect with spirit guides or other beings from higher realms of existence.

How to practice channeling

The most important aspect of channeling is to set aside time and a comfortable space for us, where we will be alone in silence, so that we can connect with our inner selves, as well as with the surrounding spiritual energies. During this process, try using breathing techniques (deep, slow breaths) or meditation practices (e.g. visualizing white light coming through the crown chakra) that will make us completely relaxed and open enough to communicate with the divine realm beyond physical reality. Once we have relaxed, let us begin to pay close attention to the subtle changes in our bodies. It may be a feeling of warmth radiating throughout the body or noticing vibrations or pulsations in specific areas. These types of reactions, and many others, may indicate that an entity (energy) is trying to make contact at these points in an effort to connect with our own spiritual essence.

Let’s remain aware of what messages we receive, while remaining open and asking questions directly related to personal development. The answers may or may not come immediately. Explanations and suggestions may appear in visions, in dreams, in seemingly random events that will take place in the following days.

Before ending each session, let us give thanks to all the forces present during this experience. Then let us gently return to our normal state of consciousness. Ready, with the newly discovered knowledge gained in these unique moments spent in contact with worlds both visible and invisible, let us continue through life and experience it with a new look, with a new perspective.