How to read the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an ancient collection of energy records that contain information about the journeys of souls. Reading these records can provide insight into life and help us gain clarity as to why we are experiencing certain events in our lives. Through practice, anyone can learn to read the Akashic Records for themselves or for others.

How to learn to read the Akashic Records

The first step to being able to read the Akashic Records is to direct this intention and create a sacred space. In this environment, we are to feel safe and at ease in connecting with our Higher Self. This will help ensure that you receive accurate messages without energy disruption. Before you can access another person’s data, you should ask for their permission, as well as set boundaries so that only relevant information is shared during a joint session.

Once everything is ready, you can begin to open a connection with your Higher Self using breath work, meditation techniques (such as visualization exercises or mantras), until a clear channel opens between you and the source of energy. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. Once we have reached this state of openness, we should be able to ask questions directly related to what needs to be clarified on our life path. We allow the answers to come naturally, through intuitive feelings, images and symbols. Remember not to force anything, and instead trust what comes up.