About love – why we need to love ourselves and others

Love is such a simple and at the same time so difficult feeling… If it were enough, we wouldn’t need so many therapists.

Love is the best healer. Everyone wants love because everyone wants this wonderful energy. It brings health, joy, fulfillment, all goodness.

Love must first of all be sought in oneself. She is in us – it is enough to wake her up.

First you have to love, completely accept yourself. Next, love should be given to others. “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

By loving yourself fully, loving every point in your body, feeling good about yourself, you will be able to treat others properly.

A person who attacks others has trouble accepting herself. She may seem perfect, and yet she herself does not feel good about her own person and throws her emotions on others.

What is jealousy if not seeing one’s own weaknesses? What is screaming if not a dramatic attempt to get attention?

There are only two feelings – love and fear. Love is pure goodness, great strength, energy, happiness… Fear is perceived as evil, lying, hatred, violence…

Who is afraid – grabs tools that hit others (and himself). Who truly loves – radiates love.

It happens that good, loving people are pelted with stones of hatred. This is because strong people attract weak beings. Since weak individuals know the tools of fear best, they use them to make contact. In fact, they want to attract attention, but as people who are not very loving, they choose the path of malicious attack. Attackers, or in other words, haters are actually unhappy people. They deceptively take the path of energy vampires, they cling to strong people who can love.

Love will always prevail.