Healing with herbs – the healing effect of herbs

Herbs can be used to heal various illnesses and ailments. Keep in mind that herbs may interact with medications you are taking or may not be suitable for people with certain illnesses or conditions. Their use should be consulted with a doctor or specialist in natural medicine.

bactericidal, disinfectingonion, garlic, St. John’s wort, willow bark, oman root, chamomile flower, scythe rhizome, blueberry leaf, bearberry leaf, motherwort, marjoram, mint, black berry fruits, shanty, sage, thyme, tansy, wormwood herb
healing, regeneratingSt. John’s wort, pale, comfrey root, calendula flower, walnut leaf, flax, poplar buds, bird knotweed, chamomile, sage, scratching rod herb
inhibiting bleedingperiwinkle, ivy, blueberry, birch, skyscraper, immortelle, viburnum bark, cinquefoil rhizome, burdock root, daisy flower, periwinkle leaf, nettle leaf, raspberry, dandelion, black cumin seed, borage, chicory traveler, wild strawberry, shunt, knotweed, sharp-bittered knotweed, bird knotweed, horsetail, hop cone, tassel, field pansy herb, yarrow herb
diuretic, depurative, detoxbasil, field pansy, cowberry, birch, mugwort, elderberry, cornflower, black blueberry, savory, scratch, wild rose, gorilla, hyssop, mountain ash, light cherry, juniper, immortelle, burdock root, rhizome of the blackbird, daisy flower, perz rhizome, linden, bearberry leaf, lovage, licorice, motherwort, soapwort, parsley and black cumin seed, goldenrod, nostril, oman, cumin fruit, parsley, wormwood, traveler, nettle, wild strawberry, roller trait, poplar bud, bird knotweed, colza, horsetail, bean pod, hop cone, calamus, verbena, heather, corn birthmark, rutwica, herb
diaphoreticfield pansy, elderberry, gorish, burdock root, calamus rhizome, linden flower, birch leaf, parsley seed, goldenrod, borage, oman, raspberry and elderberry fruit, parsley, poplar bud, rutwica, heather, roller herb
lowering blood pressureonion, garlic, white lemon peel, cranberries
protective, shielding against irritationplantain, mullein, mallow root, fenugreek and flaxseed, linden flower, mallow leaf, mustard seed, coltsfoot, comfrey
deworminggarlic, tansy flower, motherwort, pumpkin seeds, black berry fruit and lingonberry, thyme, wormwood herb
stimulating the work of the heart and nervesbasil, hyssop, hawthorn flower, rosemary leaf and gorish root, St. John’s wort
stimulating the production of breast milkanise, basil, cumin, fennel, periwinkle leaf, parsley seed, rutwica herb
stimulating digestionbasil, beaver and fenugreek seed, savory, skyscraper, St. John’s wort, gorysz, lovage root, lavender flower, cinquefoil rhizome, lemon balm leaf, marjoram, mint, dandelion, soap, goldenrod, roller, rotisserie, chamomile, rhizome, shantail, yarrow herb
antiallergicchamomile flower, valerian root, St. John’s wort
anti-arthriticfreshwater sponge, willow bark, blackcurrant leaf and black cumin seed, colza herb
antidiarrhealperiwinkle, blueberry, black blueberry, blackcurrant, savory wort, St. John’s wort, mountain ash and black berry, horse chestnut, oak bark, willow bark, kuklik root, chamomile flower, cinquefoil rhizome, walnut leaf, motherwort, raspberry, goldenrod, rosehip, nettle, shunt, rotisser, honeysuckle lung, bird knotweed, silversmith, sage, firefly, thyme, verbena, willow bark, colza herb, comfrey
antipatchblack currant, freshwater sponge, willow bark, birch leaf, black cumin and white mustard seed, horsetail herb
anticircularraw onion, skyscraper, chestnut bark, comfrey root, chamomile flower, ground flaxseed, prunes, yarrow herb
antispasmodicanise, basil, elderberry, mullein, cumin, fennel, willow bark and corn birthmark, hot fish root, lavender flower, linden, motherwort, marjoram, nostril, coriander fruit, polonic, chamomile, silverfish, sage, thyme, verbena, swallow herb
anti-inflammatorychamomile flower, Roman chamomile, calendula, cornflower, silver and firefly herb
anti-inflammatory bowel diseasechamomile flower, licorice root, St. John’s wort and yarrow
laxative, decompressinghorseradish root, immortelle flower, rhizome of shrub, buckthorn bark, walnut leaf, linen, elderberry, rosehip, mountain ash, flaxseed and senna pods, ivy herb, millennial herb
regenerating the mucous membrane of the respiratory and digestive tractcoltsfoot leaf and comfrey root, colza, linseed, beech herb, prunes
regulating menstrual bleedingwhite clover, black cumin and parsley seed, cumin, lovage root, light flower, calendula flower, shantail, sage, thyme, tansy, St. John’s wort
astringent feverbeaver, horse chestnut, willow bark, elderberry flower, linden flower, mint leaf, black berry fruit, chamomile, Roman chamomile, sunflower, millet herb and skyscraper
calming, hypnoticperiwinkle, valerian root, lavender flower, lemon balm leaf, hop cone, motherwort herb and chicken trace, nostril herb
calming the nervous systemangelica, valerian root, rosehip, mugwort herb and motherwort
pain reliefperiwinkle leaf and chamomile flower, chestnut fruit, mint herb, nostril herb
supporting liver functionelderberry, smoky, wild rose, celandine, juniper, buckthorn bark, traveler’s root, yarrow, rhizome of shrub, lavender, beaver leaf, dandelion, rosemary, millet, corn birthmark, St. John’s wort
supporting metabolismsmoky, St. John’s wort, freshwater sponge, yarrow, perz rhizome, walnut leaf, fenugreek seed, wild strawberry, colza herb, corn birthmark
supporting digestionmugwort, onion, garlic, skyscraper, St. John’s wort, mustard and horseradish root, hyssop, juniper, immortelle, coriander, fennel, angelica root, chamomile flower, calamus rhizome, lavender, nettle leaf, motherwort, marjoram, black cumin seed, goldenrod, nostril, cumin fruit, wormwood, traveler, shunt, sage, hop cone, millet, heather, mugwort herb
expectorant and antitussiveanise, field pansy, hyssop, fennel, angelica root, rhizome of kosaćca, chestnut flower, rhizome of calamus, coltsfoot leaf and fenugreek seed, licorice, motherwort, marjoram, soap, oman, polonic, shunt, honey-lung, raw and boiled onion, shanty, thyme, ivy herb
strengtheningperiwinkle, ivy, field pansy, beech, bozhotree mugwort, common perennial, St. John’s wort, gorysz, cumin, coriander, traveler’s root, yarrow, kuklik, daisy flower, blackcurrant leaf, motherwort, raspberry, dandelion, fenugreek seed, rosehip, wormwood, nettle, roller, hop cone and linseed, firefly, thyme, verbena, colza herb
tolerating excessive fermentation and flatulenceanise, gorysh, cumin, fennel, lavender flower, mint leaf, lovage, angelica root, raspberry, chamomile, savory herb and parsley seed
fighting diabetesraw and boiled onion, black berry, St. John’s wort, celandine, perz rhizome, dandelion root, yarrow, nettle leaf, burdock, walnut, rutwica, bean pods, sage, knotweed herb