Sauna – health benefits, risks and recommendations

Staying in the sauna is a form of thermotherapy of the whole body, which for thousands of years has been used in various forms for hygienic, health, social and spiritual purposes. Saunas are very popular in particular in Scandinavia, where they are practiced from early childhood.

Finnish saunas, most often found in sports and recreation centers, are used for short exposures (5-15 minutes) at temperatures of 50°C-110°C with dry air (humidity from 5% to 30%). By pouring water on heated rocks, you can increase the humidity.

Benefits of using the sauna

Entering a hot sauna after training can be relaxing and detoxifying for the body. They use saunas for health benefits in the form of cleansing, relaxation and weight loss. While in the sauna, the skin temperature rises, the pulse accelerates, and the blood vessels become more dilated. The heart begins to pump more blood. The body sweats.

A sauna used in combination with a balanced diet, regular physical activity and plenty of water can help:

  • relieve muscle aches,
  • Relax
  • improve blood circulation.


Saunas are supposed to cause a feeling of relaxation in a fairly short time. An increase in heart rate and dilation of blood vessels causes an increase in blood flow to the skin. Saunas can improve blood circulation.

The sympathetic nervous system becomes more active to maintain temperature balance in the body. The endocrine glands are involved in this process.

The body’s response to heat can make the body less susceptible to pain, and it can also trigger feelings of joy. Heat relaxes muscles, for example, the muscles of the face and neck, which are often tense.

To increase relaxation while using the sauna, you can practice meditation. A physically calmed body works well with a calm mind. The result is even better sleeping.

Pain relief

The use of a dry sauna increases energy. Blood vessels relax and dilate in the sauna, blood flow increases, tension in the joints is reduced and muscle pain is relieved.

Saunas help people suffering from chronic pain in the area of the whole body, as well as arthritis. They reduce the feeling of fatigue. They add vitality.

Risks of using saunas


Before and after using the sauna, you should drink plenty of fluids – preferably lukewarm or warm water. 
Otherwise, dehydration may occur, as indicated by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness or bewilderment,
  • headache
  • feeling of great thirst.

Weight loss

During the stay in the sauna, weight loss occurs, but this is the weight of the water, which should be replenished immediately.

Sauna can support the weight loss process by stimulating metabolism, but the use of it should not be directed to losing weight.


Frequent, excessive use of the sauna can cause a decrease in fertility in men. High temperature limits sperm production. After stopping regular sessions, fertility increases.

Contraindications to the use of the sauna

Some health conditions are not compatible with saunas or steam rooms. Consult your doctor before using the sauna if you have at least one of the following conditions:

  • asthma or other respiratory conditions,
  • heart disease,
  • pregnancy
  • Epilepsy
  • very high or very low blood pressure,
  • alcohol intoxication,
  • taking stimulants, sedatives, intoxicants.

Rules for using the sauna

High temperatures in too long a period of time can put a strain on the body. The sauna should be used once a week (in particular for the first few months of regular weekly sessions), a maximum of 2-3, if its use is a systematic ritual and has been going on for at least several months. The use of the sauna should be limited to a 15-minute session or a maximum of 30 minutes divided into 3 entrances of 10 minutes, where between staying in the sauna there are breaks for a warm shower (a few minutes under warm water, omitting the head) and the intake of orally warm liquids – preferably mineral water.

Before entering the sauna, it is necessary to remove:

  • Jewelry
  • glasses
  • contact lenses,
  • watch.

In case of dizziness, malaise or headache in the sauna, you should immediately go out and cool. 

After using the sauna, hydrate yourself with a few glasses of water.