Sex is not a shame or a secret – an important part of life

Sex is an important part of most adults’ lives. For many, it is the essence of life. It can be a source of satisfaction and closeness and help build lasting relationships.

There are still many myths and taboos related to sex, which leads to unawareness and lack of education in this area. That’s why it’s important to talk about sex openly and fearlessly. Sex is a part of us, it’s the reason we are born, it’s showing love in a physical way.

Sex can be different for different people. It may be perceived differently depending on culture and upbringing. It can be performed in many ways. When we lack imagination, the kamasutra is helpful, writing down and depicting various positions. The most important thing is to always listen to your partner, because sex is a cooperation that brings great sensations to both partners. It is good to make sure that it is comfortable for both parties, and safe.

There are many myths about sex, such as that oral sex is less important or that only men have a sexual need. This is not true and it is important to dispel these myths and talk about sex openly and without fear.

You should always take care of your safety during sex, for example by using condoms and getting tested regularly. Sex can be satisfying and pleasurable, but only if it is safe and in accordance with the will of both parties.