Reiki – a natural method of healing with energy

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It is based on the idea that the therapist can direct energy to the client through touch to activate the natural healing processes of his body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki practitioners place their hands on or above the client’s body, starting with the head and ending with the feet. These hand positions correspond to the chakras – energy centers in the body. The therapist’s hands are designed to channel healing energy to the client, and the client may feel a feeling of warmth or tingling during the session.

Reiki usually takes place in a quiet, peaceful environment and the client is fully clothed. The treatment is often used to reduce stress, improve sleep and relieve pain. Some people also use Reiki as a complementary treatment for a variety of medical conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and mental health problems. However, Reiki should not be used as a replacement for treatment and it is important to consult your doctor if there are any health concerns.

Does everyone feel energy during a Reiki treatment

It is possible that not everyone will experience the same effects of Reiki treatment. Some people may feel relaxed and calm during and after a Reiki session, while others may not notice any immediate changes. Some people may also experience emotional release or physical sensations, such as heat or tingling during the procedure. This indicates the flow of energy and is a noticeable confirmation of its operation.

It is important to note that the effects of Reiki may not be immediately apparent and may be subtle. It is also possible that the effects of Reiki may vary from person to person and from one session to another. Some people may find that Reiki provides them with a sense of relaxation and relaxation, while others may not notice any changes. It is also possible that people may experience different effects at different times after a session.

Who will feel the healing of Reiki

It’s hard to say who can experience the benefits of Reiki more effectively, as it can vary greatly from person to person.

It is generally recommended to approach Reiki with an open mind and patience, as the effects may take several sessions before they become apparent. It is also important to note that the benefits of Reiki can be subjective and may depend on a person’s individual beliefs and expectations.

Each person is different, they may have blockages that restrict the flow of energy. It may take several sessions to take a picture of them. It also happens that the client has evenly distributed energy in the body, then the treatment is not necessarily significantly felt, because the client has no need for excessive energy doses.

Founding of Reiki

The assumption of Reiki, like other holistic methods, is to balance, balance the energy in the body. Organs with a small amount of energy, exhausted from energy – get sick. Therefore, leveling it helps to maintain health or helps speed up regeneration. In addition to the transfer of energy by the therapist, there is also the release of its excess and negative energy. The therapist therefore both transfers energy and cleanses the client of toxic energy.


During the procedure, both the client and the therapist may experience certain phenomena. The therapist, due to the energy openness, feels them much more clearly, or feels them even if the client may not notice them.

The most common experiences during the session:
– colors seen (these are the colors associated with the chakras: (it can be purple, purple with green, red, orange, yellow, blue and indigo, white…) – colors can change, move, mix. They can appear suddenly or in a specific place. The therapist sees the colors of the client. It happens that the client and the therapist have the same visions,
– tingling, numbness – this is definitely the best evidence for the action of Reiki. These symptoms do not always appear. Most often they appear with a strong energy flow. They can be felt by both the client and the therapist. The easiest way to cause this phenomenon is with strong chakras – for most people these are the base chakras and sacral (sexual),
– heat – heat is energy and appears almost always during the session. It can feel as an unnaturally intense heat, it can even burn with a stronger impact. Interestingly, the heat can be felt even if the healer’s hands are physically cool,
– stitching, nailing, unnatural heaviness, paralysis – these are phenomena that can be frightening, but only appear during the session. You should not be afraid of them, on the contrary – it means an intensive effect on a strongly weakened organ, organ, nerve… People who are open to the flow of energy, and at the same time have a strong shortage of it in a certain area, can experience just such things. This is a desirable phenomenon by many, because it allows for quick regeneration,
– visions – visions may appear during the session, sounds may be heard. Not necessarily the client and the therapist will share them. Usually they appear in more sensitive, more spiritual people.

In general, each session is different, even for the same person. The therapist also experiences different sensations each time. Hence, each visit should be treated as a new beginning. It happens that a person who for many meetings does not experience anything that would allow him to believe in the action of the Reiki, suddenly feels a shot during the next visit.

Sometimes a therapist who has repeatedly felt the flows begins to doubt if he does not feel anything unusual in a given client. This does not mean that the energy suddenly stops flowing, Reiki does not work. It is necessary to remain calm and client, because everything comes at the right time.

How to behave before and after the procedure

It is worth coming to the treatment when we do not have scheduled meetings after the session. This interferes with the possibility of proper reception of the procedure – the client is thinking in another place, perhaps he is stressed, watching the time. This clearly affects the quality of the procedure.

It is good to come at least an hour after meals, because lying down, especially on your stomach, can cause discomfort. Before the procedure, it is good to remove tight elements of clothing, such as a belt, watch, corset.

The atmosphere on the spot is supposed to cause a feeling of comfort and relaxation, but it is better to take care of it before the procedure (do not run while listening, for example, to metal, or music that generates anger and sadness).

During the procedure, the client may enter the alpha state or fall asleep. This is normal, it does not interfere with the session. On the contrary, it can have a positive effect on its course – a relaxed client reacts better, absorbs energy better.

After the procedure, the client should drink a lot – lukewarm or warm drinks. The client may feel deeply tired – this is a very common effect after the session. This means the need to regenerate the body during sleep. This is a very good sign – it testifies to the intensity of energy flow and the healing process – regeneration – repair.

During the session, the therapist can use signs – do not worry, they are supportive and strengthening signs, which are part of this method of healing 🙂

How long does the session last

A Reiki treatment can last from half an hour to about two hours. It depends on the client’s preferences – whether he would like an accelerated or full treatment with harmonization of chakras and body areas. The therapist can devote more time to a given chakra (the standard is about 3 minutes, but the required places can be “held” and 15 minutes).

Reiki can be used in the traditional method, as well as combining, e.g. with massage. Due to the fact that Reiki is based on holding the hand over the body or subtle touch, you should not require the therapist to use a physically strong massage in combination with the hand. Massage is supposed to relax, calm down and allow for better absorption of energy – this is the real intention. Reiki in combination with massage can extend the treatment by several to several dozen minutes.

How to meet a good therapist

Healing comes from purity of heart. Everyone is capable of healing as long as they have love for themselves, for others, for the world. It is therefore very easy to sense whether the person to whom we have applied is actually capable of giving us the pure energy of the universe (Reiki is the universal energy of the universe). If the “therapist” exhibits critical, unethical, vulgar behavior, it will contradict pure intentions (purity of heart, absolute love).

Those attuned to Reiki naturally acquire qualities conducive to the emergence of the gift of healing. With practice and an undisturbed desire to do good, these abilities become more pronounced.

The therapist is not omniscient

The therapist learns new things with each client. Sometimes it is difficult to clearly interpret the feelings during the procedure. It happens that they are so strong and clear that they can be easily attributed to specific phenomena. It happens, however, that the therapist, despite the feelings, hesitates what to attribute them. Sometimes you can use the written experiences of other people, but sometimes it is worth postponing the interpretation, and only focus on the fact that the energy interacted. Reiki is intelligent energy. Along with the purity of the therapist’s intentions, miracles can work 🙂