How energy is felt – Reiki

During a Reiki session, energy flows through both the therapist and the client. The reaction can be physical as well as mental, and most often the sensation applies to both spheres. The sensations are usually pleasant, but it happens that with significant blockages and with a great energy imbalance of the body, painful, unpleasant sensations may appear. Most often, warmth, cold, lightness, tension are felt. Regardless of the reaction, the most important thing is that it occurs, because it indicates an energy opening.

Opening the client to energy

Reiki moves at a pace depending on demand, energizing areas that require it. The movement of ki energy is often described as tingling, vibrating, numbness, chills, throbbing, goosebumps, heat waves, arrows, stinging, itching, fatigue, drowsiness, visions. The client can feel warm, hot, cold from the therapist’s hands, regardless of what their actual temperature is. Usually the cold indicates blockages, while the heat indicates openness to the transmission of energy.

Some people are more attuned to their bodies than others. Therefore, they feel energy better, they are much more sensitive in this respect. Such people can experience great sensations while receiving Reiki. They can see colors, images, hear inner voices, sounds, ringing when giving or receiving Reiki.

It happens, however, that Reiki is not felt or is unnoticeable. This applies to people who are less sensitive to energy. However, with practice, listening to yourself, careful observation of your body, you can learn to recognize the impact of energy. It is helpful to deeply relax, unwind, close your eyes, chase away thoughts related to everyday life. For some, the time of going for the procedure is important – e.g. in the evening, at night, when it is easier to swim away. Knowing the typical reactions to energy, it is worth looking for them at home. It is not recommended to consume stimulant drinks and alcohol before the procedure.

Comfort during the procedure

The recipient of the energy stream often feels drowsy, yawns, his body relaxes, because the Reiki energy soothes, calms, soothes stress and accumulated or suppressed emotional tension. Therefore, comfort during the procedure is important. The client should take a lying or possibly sitting position, allowing for deep relaxation. Also for the therapist, comfort is crucial that he is focused on the practice rather than distracted by issues of discomfort. This translates into the effectiveness of the treatment on both sides.

The warmth of the practitioner’s hand

It is usually said that tuning Reiki helps to get extremely warm or hot hands. Having hot hands is attributed to those who have the natural gift of healing. For people who acquired them along with the Reiki tuning, this is a sign that the tuning has worked, and the hands are the channel for Reiki. However, not everyone is able to possess constantly warm hands, even after tuning to the master degree.

Paying attention to the warmth of the hand, it is necessary to focus on the metacarpal area. The fingers may still remain cool, while the heat coming out of the metacarpus indicates the correct transmission of energy. This is where her channel is located. This place does not need to be constantly warmed up. During the Reiki session, you can feel the variability of hand temperature.

A standard session does not require direct touch, it is enough to hold your hands a few centimeters above the client’s body. The perceived temperature of the hand can be significantly different from the actual one. Cold hands can be perceived as hot, while hot hands can be perceived as cold. This is perfectly normal. Everyone is different, also the energy interacts differently and comes out differently both for the person and differently for the session. You do not have to experience hot hands, but you should recognize other signs related to the transmission of energy, appropriate for yourself. For example, other than temperature, the confirmation of the impact of energy is the feeling of its density, and even the sensation of balls in the hands

If the hands are naturally cold and there is a need to touch the client directly, they can be heated before the healing begins, before they warm up themselves during the energy transmission. You can do this by holding your hands in hot water, rubbing them against each other, holding a hot water bottle or a hot object.

Energy movement

The next most common sensation of energy (after the perceived heat) is its movement. Reiki can be felt in all parts of the body. Most often it is felt in the limbs – in the arms or legs. Hands and feet are the outlet of Reiki energy, which is why movement from elbows or knees to toes is often felt.

The person transmitting the energy can feel it to a greater or lesser extent. It happens that during the session the hands begin to vibrate strongly. This is because the energy flows in huge quantities that exceed the capabilities of the hand channels. Energy pushes them, which is manifested by vibrations, vibrations, numbness, tingling. It was as if the energy was crashing against the edges, looking for a quick outlet.
This is a sign that the client needs a large amount of energy in the shortest possible time. This should not only not disturb the healer, but even rejoice, because it testifies to the effectiveness of healing. Thanks to this, the therapist knows that he is helping.

When healing clients with severe diseases, a significant attraction of Reiki energy may be felt, which may manifest itself in noticeable pain in the wrists, joints of the hands. On the other hand, the removal of strong toxins, and therefore grounding, can even drive the healing person into the floor or ground. The legs can then become incredibly heavy, knee pain, fire in the feet, numbness of the legs and feet may appear.

Smart energy

Regardless of where you put your hand, the energy reaches the places where there is a demand. In a blockade situation, Reiki behaves similarly to water at dams. It gathers or looks for another outlet to reach where there is a shortage of it – to level the level. In the healing process, you can use signs that can accumulate energy in a given place until it balances. Reiki is an intelligent energy that cannot be overdone. Thanks to this, it guarantees safety.


The blocked area is characterized by a density that can be associated with masonry. More attention should be paid to this place by interacting with the energy of Reiki. The area of influence can be expanded so that the energy lifts the blockage by interacting from different sides. The energy spreads. An under-energized organ will take energy from neighboring ones. It weakens them in this way. Therefore, the restoration of the proper energy state should take place both in the problematic place and in the neighboring ones. The blockage can be so strong that you will have to devote many treatments to it. During one session, 3-5 minutes of energy exposure is assumed for a given place, but this time can be extended to 15 minutes.

Automation of energy flow

The tuning of Reiki makes a person a clear channel of energy flow. The body can warm up even automatically when needed, passing the right dose of energy through it. This can happen around people who are open to energy and need it. If healing is triggered in this way, do not immediately put your hand on the person for whom your channel has been activated. You must always have a clear permission to transmit energy.