
Noise. I love the buzz. Calms me down. The sound of the sea, the noise of trees, the noise of machines, the noise of cars. From an early age, I would get chills and go into bliss whenever I heard this type of sound. I remember lying on the sofa as a small child and my mother turned on the vacuum cleaner. It was a wonderful moment during which I fell into a trance. I also loved working with machines. I worked almost automatically, while the sound deeply relaxed me. I was great at performing my duties. It’s the sound of people’s voices that throws me off balance, makes me distracted and make mistakes. So from a young age I knew I wanted to work with machines. At computers. The cooling fans make a pleasant noise. And they were noisy when I was younger and had a desktop computer. Nowadays, when I work, go to bed or read, I need to have the windows open. The sound of cars allows me to focus or calms me down so much that I fall asleep in bliss.

Perhaps the above issue is related to the fact that I am a strongly introverted person. Even today’s test showed that I am 86% introverted. Correct. It’s me.

Clients develop my social side the most. Contact with many people from different backgrounds, with their own worlds, so different from each other, gives me the opportunity to reach deeper into human nature than what is seen superficially. I am an observer. I’m also a judge. Analyst. In my mind I divide people into categories.

We are different. There are people with whom we are more and less compatible. We discover this through trials, situations, events. An ambitious person is open to experience. Curiosity drives him to want to connect with others. He is looking for relationships in which he will feel good. He will feel that he is developing. It’s good to have friends who push us, lift us up and motivate us.

A therapist is supposed to help, calm down and heal. A therapist can be a friend, acquaintance, or someone you meet by chance. Sound can have a therapeutic effect – either as the previously mentioned noise, or music, whispering, chirping, bells… Watching fire, greenery can have a therapeutic effect… Touch has a therapeutic effect – placing a hand on the shoulder, hugging each other. Sleep has a therapeutic effect. Many activities heal us. They’re so easy to spot. Because then we feel good, safe…

The categories of people I mentioned earlier are primarily divided into people who influence us positively and people who make us feel negative. Even as a therapist, I don’t give a third chance to a person who acts like an energy vampire. Such people do not open up to sessions. They are very blocked and do not show any willingness to change. Certainly, each of us has had contact with someone who does not allow himself to be helped. He doesn’t really want it. He expects mercy and care and has no intention of changing this state of affairs. Suddenly, as he recovers, he has the impression that he would lose the attention of others, people would stop feeling sorry for him, being nice to him, stroking him on the head.

Why did I call this post a test? Because everything that happens to us is trying, experiencing, analyzing and choosing. It is wonderful. We have the opportunity to experience whatever we dare, whatever our imagination allows, whatever our desires direct us to. We ourselves make the biggest choices. Anytime. We have our own little worlds in which we are the creators, the rulers. We have imagination. We turn our thoughts into tangible things.

We try to design our own environment as comfortable as possible. We conquer the world with our ideas and abilities. And these are dreams come true. What started in our thoughts.

A test is a search, examination, verification… Is it for me? Do I feel comfortable with this? Do I want to develop it? Or maybe I’ll try an alternative option? What is better? I have a choice.

Life is a wonderful thing. Everything teaches us. Every event. To a greater or lesser extent. I can observe the behavior of others from a distance and, based on the conclusions drawn, use or avoid such an approach.

There are pleasant elements in life. Different kind. They can be very individual. Just like my falling into a trance when hearing the sound of devices. I find it hard to believe when someone completely denies the value of existence. In my opinion, it’s not worth wasting your time on such a person. These are people who seize the day, see the positives in the simplest things and events, and are worth our attention.

As an introvert, I pay a lot of attention to the people I choose to stay in touch with. I choose friends and clients in such a way that both parties feel comfortable in each other’s company. It is such people who will receive the healing effect of the session. And the session can even be an ordinary meeting in the park, at work…

Energy is exchanged continuously. With varying intensity. So let’s take care of our surroundings so as not to disturb our field with the influence of negative emotions.