Mastering the Ego

The ego is the part of the personality that is responsible for self-esteem, the need for self-fulfillment and the protection of one’s self. The ego is characterized by a tendency to feel pride, the need for control, recognition of one’s own achievements and the desire to satisfy one’s own needs and desires. He may also become defensive and resistant to change when his stability is threatened.

Exactly. The ego makes itself felt specifically during spiritual development. When he feels like he’s losing control. Then unpleasant things may happen to us. We may feel anxious, lose self-esteem, and become more nervous or aggressive. This is all a defensive reaction of the Ego. The ego directs us to fear, i.e. low vibrations. Therefore, the method of combating the Ego’s defensive activity will be to act with the energy of love.

How to overcome fears?

When the question arises what should I do to overcome my weakness, what actions should I take, the answer is simple – stop feeding fears. Feeding fear gives it strength, the power to act. Therefore, you should take steps to take away the energy from negative emotions. You need to direct the energy of love and acceptance and thus neutralize the weak points. Fear is a feeling. Feeling is vital energy. There are two emotions that have a huge power to animate us: fear and hatred. For them to lose their power, it must be taken away from them, they must be made powerless.

How to energize yourself with the energy of love?

For me, the quick and most effective way to raise vibration is meditation, even a five-minute one. I have the comfort that I enter a meditative and trance state almost immediately. All I have to do is close my eyes and slow down my breathing.

When I started practicing meditation, it didn’t work for me at all. I had great difficulty relaxing and entering the alpha state. Counting backwards, pranayama and visualizations did not help much at that time. So I realize that for some readers it may be difficult at the beginning, but please don’t be discouraged. What can happen during meditation exceeds our wildest expectations 🙂 With practice, we become better and better, and the experiences can positively surprise us.

We should always put calming down the mind first, because when we are sad or irritated we perceive certain stimuli differently. Therefore, before we go, for example, for a massage, where destructive thoughts will accumulate in our heads for an hour, we should first go to the gym, swimming pool, for a walk, breathe deeply, slowly, and release endorphins. Let’s sweat, let’s remove lingering emotions, toxins, stress… Let’s free ourselves from it. With a calmer head, we can go to other places, e.g. as a customer of any salon, to the theater, to visit friends.

It is very important to relax, to relax the muscles. Complete peace in body and mind is important.

Overcoming the Ego in its fight for survival can be helped by, for example, going to the opera or a classical music concert. Sounds have different vibrations. The sounds of instruments, e.g. violin, piano in a raised atmosphere, will have a particularly positive effect on us. The energy of people around us is also important, so the audience is important. People vibrating high are ambitious, noble, nice, polite, cultured and charismatic. Let’s think about where we will meet such people and look for a place for ourselves there.

The sun is a huge energy. I think everyone realizes that it is the basis of our functioning. Especially if we live in an environment with different seasons. Late autumn, winter and early spring can be depressing. We look forward to sunny days and look forward to them. The sun gives us joy, the will to live and to change. We bloom in the sun, bursting with energy and health. It’s easier then. The holiday season helps us in winter. We created some magic during these cold, gray days. We give each other gifts, listen to Christmas carols and pleasant, joyful music. Valentine’s Day also occurs in winter. This coating allows us to survive more difficult, darker, colder days. But it also draws attention to how important other people are to us. Then the people around us are our sun.

When the Ego makes itself felt, it kicks us painfully, and we further affect the people around us. We convey our emotions to them in a more or less visible way. That’s why it’s important to have friends around you. It’s best to have at least two, so as not to throw out all your emotions on one person. When our negativity dissipates, it helps us. Everyone has good and bad moments. Let’s let our friends open up. That’s what we’re here for. We help others, others help us. We are there for each other in better and worse times. We support each other, we lift each other up. Our experiences are lessons for ourselves and for others. Thanks to this, we can go through certain issues easier and faster. Familiar ground is not that difficult to traverse. Observing another person’s life can help us make decisions about ourselves.

The ego can toss us around, it can torment us, it can cause us pain. It is important not to let it overcome you. His actions should be neutralized with love and acceptance. At some point, the Ego will decrease very significantly, and then life will become much easier and more pleasant.

We all want love. To fully experience it, you need to spread it yourself. In due time it will come back to us with multiplied intensity 🙂