Instrument frequencies – a way to raise our own vibrations

As our own vibrations rise, our preferences change. One of them may be the desire to listen to classical, operatic, meditative music or other music rich in high-vibration sounds… Music that induces a state of elevation in us.

If we want to influence the level of our own vibrations, we can help ourselves by selecting songs for our playlist with a predominance of instruments producing appropriately high sounds. In moments when our energy drops, it is good to restore it to a higher level by listening to appropriate instruments.

Please remember that emotions are conveyed in songs. Sounds can excite or debilitate us. They can cause irritation, pain, they can arouse sexuality, they can cause euphoria, they can trigger an impulse to act, they can induce a state of ecstasy, they can trigger our spiritual side…

We should explore which sounds make us feel pleasant. These are the ones we should listen to. Forcing ourselves to listen to certain songs that do not necessarily suit us, even if they are rich in high-vibrating sounds, will not serve us properly. We should always take care of our comfort and act in accordance with the will of our body. Body shows us what is right for us at this very moment.

Częstotliwości wybranych instrumentów muzycznych

organs16-4400 Hz
bells780-4200 Hz
xylophone 780-4200 Hz
piccolo flute580-4200 Hz
celesta 260-4200 Hz
violin195-4200 Hz
piano27-4200 Hz
Hungarian dulcimer27-3520 Hz
harp60-2800 Hz
mendolin195-2350 Hz
flute260-2100 Hz
harmonium65-2100 Hz
clarinet145-2000 Hz
accordion40-1500 Hz
vibraphone260-1400 Hz
viola130-1400 Hz
harpsichord40-1400 Hz
soprano (human voice)260-1320 Hz
soprano saxophone170-1320 Hz
mezzo-soprano (human voice)220-1050 Hz
cornet160-1050 Hz
trumpet160-1050 Hz
marimba 110-1050 Hz
guitar80-1050 Hz
alto saxophone120-880 Hz
alto (human voice)170-785 Hz
cello65-780 Hz
bassoon60-700 Hz
tenor saxophone100-660 Hz
French horn55-660 Hz
tenor (human voice)130-580 Hz
trombone55-580 Hz
baritone (human voice)110-440 Hz
baritone saxophone65-440 Hz
tubular Bells130-350 Hz
bass clarinet70-350 Hz
bass (human voice)65-350 Hz
tube40-300 Hz
bass saxophone50-275 Hz
timpani85-220 Hz
double bass30-220 Hz
contrabassoon27-175 Hz
helicon40-130 Hz
Częstotliwość dźwięków