Kundalini – my impressions

On January 31, 2021, I had a Kundalini awakening. I think it was partial then. It reached the heart chakra, moved it very strongly and I have the impression that it stopped there. Later work with Reiki and daily meditation led to the opening of the chakras in a more gentle way. At the beginning of this year, stronger energy movements, a feeling of a wriggling snake, sleep paralysis, involuntary body movements, and vomiting appeared again. On May 17, 2024, so a month ago, the process started very suddenly and I had the impression that it was continuous, so I decided to record my impressions in the form of a diary on “threads.net”.

Recently, I have been experiencing strong energy inflows, which increase the pressure in my head and cause vision problems – I can no longer see clearly, and then severe tearing occurs. There is also a strong vibration in the left hand which spreads finger by finger. More and more often I have bursts of vibrations without the feeling of displacement that bring me into an orgasmic state.

In recent days, while meditating, images of Jesus Christ appeared to me and I decided to pass them on instead of keeping them to myself. Well, I saw Jesus being crucified in them, paying particular attention to the places where He was pierced. Well, it was pierced by energy transmission channels! The mid-hands are the channels through which healing energy is transmitted, while the mid-foot is the grounding channel! My visions were to draw attention to these properties and show contempt for such a system of health work. Jesus Christ is the Ascended Master. He is an example for us of what can be achieved by working with energy. He showed that nothing is impossible, that you can program energy, manifest goods, heal, and transcend the so-called “the laws of physics”. The key is intention, self-confidence, trust, pure love, goodness. Jesus showed that there is reincarnation, he repeated many times that we are CHILDREN OF LIGHT. Therefore, the highest form of existence, called God, Source, Presence, is LIGHT! Light is powerful energy, powerful vibration. As Children of Light, we are Light ourselves. Our souls are light. Light can vibrate at different frequencies, which are determined by the colors of the light.

When we work on energetic growth, on increasing our own vibrations, our light becomes stronger and shines with greater radiance. It is felt as warmth, as pleasure, as love, happiness. We become a magnet for people who need such vibrations – who among us does not like to immerse ourselves in the pleasure that will fill us. As high-vibrating people, we can become such a pleasure. People may be drawn to us as if they were on holiday in a warm country by the sea.

Coming back to Kundalini… I have more and more situations when my thoughts attract specific people, events, situations. This is still surprising to me. I am sure that I am still at the beginning of the road, that much much more can be done, much more intensively. I had single flashes of clairvoyance, clairaudience, single situations with entities, visions are still difficult for me to read, only last week I had the impression of a glimpse of another dimension when energy hit my head. These are issues that seem to be breaking through, making themselves known that they are possible, that they are available, but at the same time they require greater openness and greater ability to perceive them.

What is important when we work on strengthening, on expanding ourselves as a channel for energy, is that our physical strength must be taken care of here. I can say this not only theoretically, but also from practice. Apart from the fact that we are always a channel for ourselves, let me give you another example. When I perform stationary energy sessions in a standing position, the force that occurs when grounding the client can be so powerful that it nails the feet to the floor. Nailed is the right word, because they are impossible to move! After just a few minutes, this force causes pain, pain in the feet, pain in the knees. If we want to help, we should be able to do so, be in good enough physical condition to allow the client to ground himself through us, and, of course, replenish energy through us. Actually, the order is reverse. First, energy is replenished and then toxins are pushed out. Energy replenishment flows through the hands, or rather the entire arms. When there is a strong demand for energy, there is a feeling of great pressure in the head, which causes tears, the energy flows through the throat chakra (the throat can dry out in a moment – it is important to have water nearby and replenish fluids during the session), and then spreads into the our branches – energy transmitters, i.e. hands. A strong stream of energy can also be hot, so it is great to feel the channel through which this energy flows. The arms are also loaded, as are the legs. So we need to work on them too. In general, we should exercise and strengthen our entire body. Kundalini actually makes it easier to motivate ourself to exercise, because sudden bursts of energy scream at us to do something with them.

The increase in vibration also causes a feeling of internal heat. It is natural that the body reacts to them and sweats more intensely. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it. We shouldn’t be ashamed of it in front of the people we work with. It is important to remember that we also emit our emotions. The smell of stress and shame will not be pleasant, while the smell of self-confidence, love and willingness to help may be neutral. Therefore, we should accept this state and adapt to it. It will be helpful to look through our wardrobe and separate clothes that are “safe” for heavy sweating.

Why am I so sure that what is happening to me is Kundalini? Because I feel internally, without any hesitation, that this is precisely the power. Its beginning was also associated with an uncontrollable sexual drive, which was completely new and surprising to me at the time and I had no control over it. It lasted for weeks. It was throwing me. This lack of control is a definite characteristic of this powerful, untamed energy. There is a feeling of constant movement, shifting of this force inside us. Its sudden increases are surprising and unpredictable. I can have moments when I have absolutely no control over my body. I bump into everything along the way. Every day I meditate with the intention that this process will allow me to function in a standard world, that I will be able to go to work and perform my duties, that I will be able to perform sessions for clients without my own feelings – that I will feel the client’s energy instead of my own. When I meditate, I allow the process to happen at this time. For me, this is a form of communication with higher energies to support me on this path. So despite everything, I am trying to somehow master Kundalini, and at the same time I am excited and open to the action of this force. I believe that working with universal energy, such as the Reiki system, helps alleviate the shock associated with internal energy. There was a time when Kundalini seemed to be slightly dormant and I almost always felt the energy flowing in a top-down direction, which indicates universal energy. Especially since May 17, I feel the energy flowing in this direction only during sessions with other people. Moreover, I feel energy flowing from the bottom to the top, or appearing so suddenly in me and as if settling in me that I am surprised and have no idea where this inflow came from.

In one word, Kundalini is CRAZY. It seems to me that at this stage I am at, I can meet people who are also going through this, I am curious to what extent our impressions overlap. It’s great that there were and are people who have experienced this before, so we know what Kundalini is and it no longer causes fear or confusion.