Meridians – health map

Meridians is a term derived from traditional Chinese medicine, defining energy channels in the body through which life energy, called “qi” (chi), flows. The meridian system is helpful in identifying the causes of various weaknesses and ailments.

Key information about meridians in the context of the human body

  1. Number of meridians: In traditional Chinese medicine, there are 12 main meridians and 8 additional ones.
  2. Major meridians: Each of the 12 major meridians is associated with a specific organ or system, e.g. lung meridian, heart meridian, stomach meridian, etc.
  3. Additional Meridians: Eight additional meridians, also called vessels, serve auxiliary and supportive functions.
  4. Energy Flow: Qi energy flows through the meridians, powering organs and tissues and regulating their functions.
  5. Acupuncture points: There are acupuncture points on the meridians that are stimulated to restore energy balance in the body.
  6. Diagnosis and treatment: Disturbances in the flow of qi in the meridians can lead to disease and discomfort, which is why diagnosis and treatment in Chinese medicine focuses on restoring the harmony of energy flow.

Meridians are an integral part of many healing techniques in Chinese medicine and are used to diagnose and treat a variety of physical and emotional ailments.

MeridianParts of the body particularly covered by the meridianWhat does the meridian representFeatures of a weak meridianFeatures of a strong meridian
Lung meridianlungs, skin, chest, shoulders, wrists, thumbszest for life, joy of life, fighting spiritfragile body structure, poor vitality, poor immunity; susceptibility to infections, fatigue, apathy, lack of drive, fear of the future; poor boundary setting, over-receiving, over-thinking, over-analyzing; strong egoism, crossing other people’s boundaries, an aura of inaccessibility; shutting down, avoiding contacts; disturbed instincts, poor reaction patterns; social isolation; slumped shoulders, shortness of breath; dry skin, brittle skin, skin prone to inflammation, dandruff, oily skin, increased or decreased sweating, acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, contact allergy, allergies, hives, itching; chronic fatigue syndrome, chest tightness; fear of narrow or wide spaces; asthma; poor physical condition; weak instinctsstrong body structure, great vitality, great immunity; optimism, great endurance; setting boundaries correctly, not crossing other people’s boundaries; good instinct, sixth sense, quick reaction; conscious opening and closing; good contact with people
Meridian of the large intestinelarge intestine, nose, neck, shoulders, elbow, index fingerflexibility in approach to life; the ability to fight effectively and protect effectively; keeping what is valuable, discarding what is useless; the ability to say nobloating, gas, feeling of fullness, diarrhea, frequent, loose stool, constipation, intestinal irritation, sluggish peristalsis, ulcerative colitis; nose and sinus infections, difficult nasal breathing, chronic catarrh, chronic sinusitis, polyps in the nose, frequent runny nose, increased mucus secretion; neck tension, shoulder tension; poor perseverance, things getting out of hand; susceptibility to manipulation and tricks, poor boundary setting, frequent feelings of guilt; inappropriate approach to material matters; tendency towards compulsive control and perfectionism; difficulty letting go of old issues; high conservatism; low flexibility, stiffness; stagnationhigh immunity, strong digestion; a healthy ability to separate boundaries, good conflict management; good, healthy approach to money and material matters; the ability to let go and bring closure to the past; high quality of work, high standards; persistence
Stomach meridianstomach, abdomen, jaw, neck area, pelvis, legsverve, appetite for life, independent functioning; the possibility of taking action against the world; segregation (digestion) of data, information, feelings, elements from the outsidelow independence, low self-responsibility, strong settling in the comfort zone; low initiative, low appetite, low hunger; low endurance, low strength in legs; nervous hyperactivity, internal anxiety, restlessness; self-centeredness, egocentricity; constipation, diarrhea; feeling of fullness, gastritis, irritation of the gastric mucosa, heartburn; susceptibility to gingivitis, jaw tension, teeth grindingstrong jaws, strong digestion, strong legs; high durability; ability to concentrate; emotional, mental and financial independence; quick understanding and thinking; curiosity about the world, innovation, interest in progress and new things; desire to grow, ambition; implementation of plans and intentions
Spleen meridianspleen, legs, feet, haraSelf-Esteem; mental stability; attitude towards your identity and your bodyaccumulation of water in the body, weak tissue, tendency to have mushy stools; poor concentration, unimportance; fatigue, heaviness in limbs, anemia; tendency to depression, despondency; tendency to be overweight, metabolic diseases, diabetes; constant rumination, emotional and mental instability; adopting the views of others, giving in to manipulation; lack of thoughtful responses; compliance; varicose veins, weak connective tissue, swelling; tendency to bruises, organ prolapse, flat feet, bow knees; flatulence, abdominal pressure, digestive disorders, diabetes, metabolic diseases, fatty liver disease; overweight or underweightstrong, well-nourished body, soft tissue; good intuition, correct body coordination; mental and emotional stability; clear thinking, attentive and conscious behavior; self-acceptance, self-love, self-sufficiency; social competence; the ability to support, give, and care for others
Heart meridianheart, armpits, handsawareness, acceptance, pure, unlimited love, control of your life, ability to communicateweak enthusiasm, lack of desire and joy of life; difficulty expressing yourself, slurred speech; closed heart, difficulty opening, emotional reserve or hypersensitivity, extreme emotionality; jealousy, possessiveness in relationships, use of emotional blackmail; medicines; hyperactivity, nervousness, lack of concentration; confusion; tendency to forget; excessive sweating, sleep problems; tendency to manipulation; emotional and mental instability; hyperactivity, heart flutter; entanglement; excessive fears, manic behaviorquick ability to understand, clear mind, concentration, inspiring yourself and others, strong motivation; enthusiasm, commitment; acceptance, charisma, magnetic aura; seeing yourself as the creator of your own life, playing your own game, independence, emotional stability; sociability, cordiality, respect; interest in the deep meaning of life, better understanding of yourself and the world
Meridian of the small intestinesmall intestine, lower abdomen, shoulder blades, edges of the handsrelationships with other people, ability to understand, empathy, respect, perseveranceisolation, loneliness, lack of connection; loss of orientation, feeling lightheaded, numb; difficulty separating and combining thoughts and feelings; problems with setting priorities; excessive criticism, over-smartness, mental pigeonholing; tendency to allergies and food intolerances; egocentrism, uncertainty; mental restlessness, confusion; developmental disorders, mental illnesses, split personality, hoarding syndrome, speech disorders, neurodegenerative diseasesease of looking from a distance, ability to look globally; abilities to establish higher bonds; seeing higher goals, ambitions, opportunities; access to spirituality; a sense of unity with the world; ability to act socially, ability to function in society; ability to act in the long term; ability to think quickly, clearly, get to the point and set priorities; ease of learning, understanding and drawing conclusions; ability to integrate
Urinary bladder meridianbladder, back, head, neckcleansing, grounding, the ability to say stophyperactivity or apathy; easy to get stressed, lose balance, become overloaded; venting, trouble coping with challenges; overactive bladder, urge to urinate at night, cystitis; lack of peace, difficulty in regeneration, difficulty in letting go; tendency to cry, outburst, reluctance to admit feelings; chronic tension, back pain, neck pain, sleep disturbances, excessive sweating, increased or decreased heart rate, fatigue, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, constipationhigh stress tolerance, high load resistance; adaptability; composure; strong fighting spirit; nerves of steel; high elasticity; free expression of feelings
Kidney meridiankidneys, feet, knees, chestdefines identity, potential; allows you to feel happy with yourselflow self-confidence, low self-esteem, low self-confidence; uncertainty, numerous fears, doubts; weak willpower, weak drive for action; weak feet, ankles, knees, legs, weak joints; feeling cold, weak; low energy, quick fatigue, poor vitality, premature aging; dental problems, memory problems, excessive sweating; premature graying, impaired hearing, infertility or early menopause, impotence, poor libido, urinary incontinence; tendency to burnout and overloadhealthy self-confidence, authenticity, courage, self-trust; strong self-reliance, independence, self-sufficiency; high willpower, endurance, dynamism; high energy level, high vitality; a healthy approach to money and material goods; ambition, development, growth
Pericardial meridianpericardium, chest, forearms, handsprotects the heart, connects desire and love; combines love with sexuality; connects feelings with the bodyhypersensitivity, susceptibility to emotional ailments; emotional coldness, emotional numbness, distancing, withdrawal; extreme display of feelings – emotional discharges and avoidance of feelings; difficulties with closeness, intimacy and sexuality; sex without achieving fulfillment; blood circulation disorders, high or low blood pressure, susceptibility to heart ailments; difficulty in achieving fulfillment, satisfaction or addiction to pleasure, sex addiction; frustration; dizziness; problems with concentration, easy tiring; excessive sweating; depression, lack of motivation; greater need for sleep; feeling of tension, tightness in the chest, cardiac arrhythmia, heart attack, ischemic heart disease, claustrophobia, shortness of breathconscious control of emotions, lack of fear of closeness, bond, intimacy; sexuality giving fulfillment and satisfaction, enjoying intimacy; empathy, social competences; good circulation, stable blood pressure, strong cardiovascular system
Meridian triple heaterears, forearmsa protective shield that, together with the lung meridian, protects against external factors; overall harmony, in particular between the three zones:
1. the chest, which controls circulation and distribution;
2. the abdomen, which controls digestion;
3. the lower abdomen, which controls excretion
loss of balance, loss of control over yourself and your body; separation of spheres of life; internal tear; lack of unity between body and mind; difficulty adapting; hypersensitivity to external factors; tendency to metabolic problems, weakened immunity, meteopathy, temperature sensitivity, neck stiffness, shoulder stiffness; fatigue, lack of appetite, extreme body weight, swelling, gout, abnormal urination, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidismgreat ability to self-control, self-regulation; high ability to adapt to changes and challenges; strong and balanced internal state; inner harmony, a sense of unity between mind and body; ability to coordinate all life zones; resistance to external factors; proper metabolism, high vitality
Gallbladder meridiangallbladder, head, neck, loins, hipsbalance in action, determination, lack of hesitation, responsibility and decisivenessshyness, uncertainty, procrastination, postponing decisions; lack of courage, unwillingness to take risks; difficulty concentrating; lack of action; instability, inability to transmit; the tendency to dominate, take over, interfere in everything; tendency to suffer from back problems; shoulder and neck tension, balance disorders, dizziness, tinnitus; hip problems, sciatica, spine problemshigh resilience, awareness, courage, ease of decision-making, determination; understanding, the ability to look from a distance; balance between head and body, balance between thoughts and feelings; a healthy balance between delegating responsibility and acting independently; coordination ability; implementation of plans within the assumed time
Liver meridianliver, feet, hips, costal archdevelopment, ambition, achieving fulfillment, greatness, independencestiffness, tension in joints and muscles; shortness of breath, anxiety, high blood pressure; hypersensitivity, pressure; low adaptability, low flexibility; low motivation, low assertiveness; headaches, migraines, eye problems, vision problems, menstrual problems; chaoticness, lazinessactivity, creativity, ambition; ability to plan, coordinate and implement; mobility, quick adaptation, flexibility; no fear, no resistance; culture, respect; innovation, development
Main human meridians