How to fulfill our desires

Thoughts create an electrical charge, while feelings create a magnetic charge in the quantum field. How we think and feel emits an electromagnetic signal that affects every atom of our reality.

The thought sends a signal, while the feeling attracts the event to us.

Intention is thought. We can have different intentions, e.g. having a dog, receiving an award, achieving material success, health. If we expect this experience but do not feel it, then we do not attract this experience to ourselves because we do not feel these emotions that are a magnet.

When we create from field instead of matter, using the vibrational match between our energy and some potential, and if our thoughts and feelings are in match, time and space contract and experience begins to be attracted to us.

Then we become the rotors of our destiny, because we do not play by the rules of three-dimensional reality, but by the rules of energy in the quantum.