Listen to your intuition

Nowadays, we have very easy access to various types of information. I think everyone realizes that a lot of content is false, and there is also a lot of content based on someone else’s opinion. You shouldn’t believe everything 1:1, but analyze what you read to verify whether it appeals to you or not. Information, beliefs, traditions, and surroundings influence behavior and preferences. Each person is different and conveys different values, even if they have the same academic or professional title and work in the same system.


Disinformation is one of the ways of programming people to behave in certain ways. Disinformation can spread fear and influence worldviews, it can trigger movements and protests. There are also many different types of conspiracy theories. People love to see hostile forces and attacks everywhere. I feel like there’s already a conspiracy theory about almost everything.

The above issues divide people very strongly. This is creating hostility and labeling ourselves. A single error that may not necessarily have resulted from a given system can ruin your entire business.

Expectations and reality

I have noticed that the most difficult energy transformations are experienced by people who strongly believe in the existence of evil forces, such as Satan, hell, jinn and various types of creatures. Such people, instead of focusing on pure good and love, create further blockages based on fear. Through their own fear and their own problems, they blame an entire process, an entire philosophy, an entire system that may have completely opposite assumptions.

It is important to remember that we are the creators of our reality. If we set our mind to suffering and being a victim, this will happen. If we don’t want to experience love, that’s what will happen. An individual can influence other people’s views through his suffering. The media are saturated with this, because controversy is valuable – it sells very well.

The opposite of fear is love. You can create with both the energy of fear and the energy of love. Fear creates conflicts, but love solves them.

Energy is variable

Of course, among various types of leaders, in power, on company boards, among doctors, among masters and therapists, there are also people with a lot of fear and low energy. It’s not that once someone reaches a certain level, they can’t fall from it. There are such cases. It happens to masters as well.

When someone lives and works in a low energy environment and fails to keep themselves at a high level of vibration, reduction may occur. It is easier to lower your vibration than to raise it. When at some point pride, over-smartness, sublimity, i.e. types of low frequencies, enter, it may be difficult to return to the path of love. Then the energy transmitted by such a person will contain vibrations of this type.

The ability to feel vibration levels

It’s great if we have the ability to feel someone’s energy even before we meet directly. However, during the meeting itself, especially if we come for sessions related to our health, to a doctor, a psychologist, or a counselor, we should pay attention from the very beginning to how we feel in a given place and with a given person.

Any kind of anxiety and aversion should be an alarm for us. Let us remember that there is always an energy exchange between us and another person. It can affect us neutrally, it can lower or raise our frequencies.

I wrote about the vibrations of emotions here. Thanks to the emotions we feel from another person, we can verify at what level he or she vibrates.

When we allow someone to interfere with our energy, especially if it is a health or frequency tuning session, our feelings are very important!

Intention is important

What is important, you cannot give in to something without your own intentions, without using your intuition, without taking your own steps. Coming to a given place and undergoing a certain process will not bring much results if we do not put our own work into it. What I mean is ambition and willingness, which are to translate into directional action and the implementation of intentions. Giving something or someone complete power and then criticizing them if no great results appear is completely inappropriate. It’s just like at school. Just going to school does not guarantee passing exams, it also requires your own work, interest, and expanding your knowledge and skills. This allows you to cross further thresholds.

Different expectations

Intuition is our great power and we should use it. The ability to sort information, verify it and, above all, translate it into practical, positive action shows intelligence and advancement. Each of us is different, exudes a different energy level and has different characteristics, so someone’s opinion on compliance with expectations does not have to coincide with our experience. Our expectations may be completely different!

When we increase our energy level, our requirements may increase. What works for a person with a lower vibration may be neutral or detrimental to us.

Energy can be transformed, it is flexible, if someone’s intentions are not in line with ours, energy can be distorted in relation to our previous assumptions.