Love relationship

Recently I saw a recording in which a public survey was conducted on the number of partners, which is a red flag for others. Almost every person spoke about the limit of a maximum of 3-4 partners for their potential future man or woman.

But what does it mean that a person has such requirements for a woman or man they like? Doesn’t this limit the freedom of the other person and require them to be inexperienced? This does not speak well of a demanding person. Such a situation can affect them personally.

The purpose of life is to acquire knowledge, skills. The purpose of life is to EXPERIENCE! In order to know what is good for us, what makes us feel comfortable and happy, sometimes we have to experience a lot. Not everyone finds happiness in their first choice! It is this broad experience that makes us more confident, stable, calm and understanding.

Our personality can be difficult for others, which will cause relationships to not work out properly. The assumption that someone can truly find themselves and their knowledge of their preferences based on a maximum of 4 relationships is very optimistic.

It is incorrect to form an opinion about someone based on the number of their bed partners. Someone can be in one relationship full of sex, even every day, and someone else can sleep with 50 people, but not be satisfied with one meeting and have no chance of turning any of them into a real relationship.

If life is really a place to experience, learn, explore, discover ourself and our needs, who are we to limit others’ opportunities to develop and learn?

By limiting the other person, we are inhibiting their possibilities. This can backfire and someone will stop us.

When I present my perspective on relationships to people I know, it is (rather) well understood only by those who have experienced many partners. If I say that I understand true love as the freedom of both partners and the ability to experience without any barriers, it does not mean that I will continue to have sex with other people and go back to the one with whom we decided to be a couple. This means that I will not inhibit the other person if they want to try something, I will not demand fidelity from them, in the sense that they will be only for me. Maybe I am already sure that I have found someone with whom I feel happy and fulfilled, but the other person is still searching for themselves, still analyzing, still has the need to explore other environments. There is nothing wrong with that.

I cannot be angry with someone, I cannot be jealous, radiate various low emotions just because someone has needs, is still searching, shaping themselves. On the contrary – with my support I show love, respect, understanding, peace. Both sides of the relationship should be sure that they have found the right soul for themselves and their point of development, with whom they want to share their energy.

I think that if both sides feel happy with each other, they do not even feel like exploring further. And even if something happens, if someone goes too far, there may be a longing for the right partner. This is good for the relationship.

A relationship is not about having someone just for us, so that everything is common and transparent. When a relationship is based on true love = acceptance, respecting the needs, ambitions, independence, intimacy of the other person becomes natural. We don’t have to live together, we don’t have to spend every vacation together, we don’t have to have joint property, joint accounts, children, friends or joint photos. We can live completely separately and be connected by a wonderful feeling. The magic of love itself attracts people to each other. They want to meet, connect in sexual acts, hug, touch, they want to have contact with each other. Not the kind that is forced or results from obligation, but the kind that results from the desire to express oneself, say something, share observations, feelings, views.

True love is not blackmail, rules, laws and obligations. True love is the desire to act without a sense of obligation. It is the joy of action. True love is pure, emanates high vibrations, makes us smile, makes us happy and open to each other. Such love makes us feel safe, we feel peace, we feel bliss, gratitude, understanding, acceptance.

True love is possible from an open heart chakra in both partners. Sometimes, however, it takes more than 4 partners to find the one with whom the relationship will be based on high vibrations.