Ascension Flu? What is happening to me?

What is happening to me today is something I have never experienced on such a scale! I know that I will return to this and to this date (September 2, 2024), because breakthrough symptoms have occurred for me.

Since Sunday, August 25, I have been feeling particularly weak. I was at my brother’s birthday party and had contact with sick parents. Not much contact, but nevertheless, later, when I returned home, I felt weaker. I was sure that it was a temporary situation, just like during the session. When I have contact with a weakened client, I also feel these ailments, later I gain strength and I am myself again. These are diagnostic abilities that I have when I am within the range of the client’s electromagnetic field.

I was surprised that the weakness not only did not go away, but actually deepened. Additionally, new symptoms of Kundalini awakening appeared. These symptoms are related to my face above all. They concern the skull, nasal bone, jaw. I felt and feel them as if something was happening to the bones, as if they were moving, as if some changes in form were occurring, as if my face was being modeled. Every now and then I go to the mirror and check if anything has changed, because I feel like my face is going to change. It’s such a surprising and unusual feeling… It’s hard to describe.

Today I got up a minute before my alarm. And I felt completely different. Like I was in a slightly different dimension. I’m not thinking clearly today, and I haven’t been thinking clearly for over a week now. Today I had the feeling that everything was happening on its own. Everything was happening automatically. I had the feeling that I was looking at my body as my avatar, which I was preparing for work. Every now and then I would get hit in the head, like shots, as if someone was sticking a thick needle in me and pulling it out, and it caused a disturbance of consciousness, a temporary stupor. Blood started to flow from my nose. Gently. Eyes glazed over. Tingling in the face, numbness in the face. Sudden spasms all over the body and sudden, momentary pains.

The increasing pressure in my head was deafening and blinding me. Despite my sunglasses, I squinted and closed my eyes every few moments on the way to the office. I felt like I wasn’t in control of my body. I could feel new ailments appearing all the time, but I was in a fog of what I was doing to my body, where I was directing it.

In the office, I was surprised by the amount of pain I suddenly experienced. I felt dizzy, it was hard to breathe. I felt dry and sweaty. I felt the heat from inside and the pain was getting worse. The pressure in my head was getting even stronger. My eyes started to water. It deafened me. I started to shake, but not from the cold or the heat, my body was simply shaking and I couldn’t control it.

I went back home. The pressure again. In my chest, in my head. I felt like my brain was going to explode and blood was going to spurt out of my ears. That’s how I felt. Literally. I felt a strong pull in my shoulders, in my neck. Now it’s gone. I really feel like literally every part of my body is changing.

Despite everything, the worst thing is those deafening shots. I feel like I’ve lost consciousness, I’ve lost awareness of what’s happening, where I am, what I’m doing. Fortunately, it lasts a few minutes at most and I return to a relative level of reality. I have the impression that I see differently, I feel differently, for now I am in shock, I do not know what to think, how to think…

Ah… yes… Teeth. My teeth have been hurting for a days now, but as a whole. Generally speaking, I feel all the bones, joints, cartilage of my face and head. I feel as if something is happening there. This impression is a really big surprise to me. I do not remember reading about such symptoms anywhere. That limbs get tangled, the body tosses, cramps, shakes, that it hurts, burns or freezes, I know not only from my own example, but also from the descriptions of other people who have experienced Kundalini awakening. But the feeling of the face forming… I do not remember that. I am glad that I have been taking pictures of myself for several years and I can see the changes that are happening. I can see that my jaw has become more solid, that my gaze is very confident, deep. I can see that my lips have become fuller and have a different expression. I can see that I am more upright and no longer take the position of my head tilted. Now I look more forward or from above, but not from below. This shows the self-confidence I have gained, the strength, the feeling of gratitude, which is now also more visible on the outside.

So what else can change? Is it possible that in the process of Kundalini transformation there will be big visual changes? Big enough that they could be confused with surgical operations? I am very curious about this. Maybe I am wrongly perceiving these feelings in my bones, I perceive them as if something was being modified, something was changing, something was shifting, something was being transformed. Very unusual feelings. But maybe nothing will happen visually? Time will tell!

At around the age of 12, my body temperature dropped to around 34-35 degrees. Since then, I have not had a fever, and every illness I have had is a sore throat and loss of voice for about 3-4 days. In 2022, I had a fever for one day when I was diagnosed with COVID. This year, my body temperature suddenly started reaching normal values ​​for an ordinary person. And since July, most of the time, my temperature has been between 37 and 37.5 degrees Celsius. For a week now, my temperature has been reaching just over 38 degrees Celsius. It seems that after 20 years, I have finally emerged from the state of low body temperature. To put it more in Kundalini language – at the age of 12, the Ida Nadi came into the forefront, while at the age of 32, the Pingala Nadi, which plays a great role in the Kundalini process, finally opened.

I feel better now than in the morning. What happened in the morning was definitely a great demonstration of Kundalini action for me. Today and for the past few days, I feel my head the most. My face. But today’s bursting pressure in my head, and later the feeling of my head burning for many hours is an experience that I not only did not expect, but I also did not expect that I was strong enough to endure something like that in peace and love. What I feel at the moment, which is still my head, skull, bones, is as if nothing, and it really radiates with strong pain.

I am in shock. Maybe you can see it when you read this post. Despite this pain, I am happy, because I was waiting for something bigger, for something more significant to happen.

Transforming the body to become a better channel, a better conductor of electrons, of course it is associated with pain, with changes, but also having the ability to receive greater energy resources we are able to see more, feel more, we become closer to enlightenment!

So I am closer! I can do more!
I dream of being able to help on a larger scale, to be able to heal better, more, faster. Of course I want to be the best possible channel and I believe I am the best possible channel for light, for the highest vibrations, for the energy of Source. Transforming to be even more efficient is a wonderful reward for me, for which I am grateful. And I will endure any pain if it is to be rewarded with skills that will allow me to change the world for the better!