Hair – why the length and amount of hair matters

Hair is an extremely important source of energy. Man has the opportunity to have the longest hair among global beings. Hairstyles very often represent our humor, way of life. Often, the metamorphosis of the hairstyle is a sign of changes in life. Nature has a reason for placing hair on our bodies in a certain combination and quantity.

Hair features

The hair on the legs performs the function of gland regulators, it also stimulates the electromagnetic field. Hair grows under the armpits to provide adequate levels of energy in the human body – this is where both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems are located. Eyebrows are to protect from the sun and sweat getting into the eyes. A man with facial hair is protected from too much absorption of the moon’s energy.

Hair on the head

It is in the area of the human brain that the longest hair grows. They provide an increase in creativity, vitality, intuition, peace. They are responsible for memory performance, endurance, patience, physical energy. They contain deposits of phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D, as well as cerebrospinal and lymphatic fluid.

When cutting hair, especially during development, puberty, additional amounts of nutrients should be provided. Hair should be thought of as antennas that transmit solar energy to the brain, affecting its activity. Hence, it is important to expose hair to the sun, at least for half an hour a day, depending on the intensity of sunlight. In particular, women should also remember about the energy flowing from the moon, which balances the solar – this affects the proper level of the electromagnetic field of man.

Hair symbolism

– straight hair – allows the collective unconscious to flow (it is an unconscious memory, a basic memory inherited genetically from the beginning of the human species),
– curly hair – movement of consciousness,
– men with long hair – clergy, spiritual.

Hair is a carrier of power. Depriving them restricts access to the sixth sense. Hence the shaving of prisoners, subjects – this is aimed at their greater control.

Why do Buddhist clerics shave their heads

Energetically awakened, highly spiritual people have enormous energy powers. Its excess could damage the brain. To prevent this, the antennae – the hair – are cut off.

Hair problems

Visually evaluating a person, we pay attention to the health, density of his hair. People with beautiful, thick hair are considered healthy, young, vital. Stress, improper diet, disease, hormones, chemicals used cause them to fall out, crumble, tarnish.

Here are the most embarrassing problems and their causes:

  • baldness means a disturbance of the human balance,
  • alopecia areata means mental problems, depression,
  • brittle hair means a deficiency of minerals, an excess of heavy metals in the body,
  • silver hair appears to absorb more energy, minerals, vitamins (silver conducts energy),
  • Rapid graying of hair indicates an excess of heat in the body, a rapid metabolism in the head.

It is important to take care of your hair, comb it, because they play a huge role in the body, as well as in the perception of man.