I write a lot about spiritual issues, about issues of Kundalini awakening, healing, but perhaps it is necessary to explain what spiritual awakening really is, what it involves, what it leads to. I will try to explain it below.
What is spirituality
Spirituality is the process of harmonizing with the immaterial aspect of life through various practices such as meditation, yoga, pranayama or other techniques. It is also a search for a deeper meaning of our existence. Spirituality causes unification with God, Creation, Source, Presence. What name we use depends on us. What is most important is the certainty that this highest existing vibration is intelligent and we can draw from it because we are part of it.
What is spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening is an extremely intense experience. It consists in waking up to the truth. We tune in to the deepest possible connection with the Source. We vibrate higher and higher. We can even be perceived as light by other people. The soul is light. But in an awakened person, this glow clearly shines outward and is noticeable to people and animals.
Awakened people have a mission within themselves and become aware of it. It consists in spreading love, consciousness. In this way, we heal the environment, raise the frequency in the areas we reach.
Spiritual awakening is a process that leads to enlightenment, ascension. It is a state in which we become pure light. This state ends human incarnations.
The effects of spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening allows the soul to reveal itself, to break through to the outside. It is no longer the animality of the body that rules over the person, but the soul. The perspective changes. Priorities change. The view of oneself, one’s situation, and the world changes. Deep understanding and a desire for development appear. We awaken to the knowledge of the wonderful divine plan that develops in all reality. Awakening leads to experiencing higher vibrations, perceiving the truth, understanding that we are part of divinity. We are one energy with the Source. We know that energy is flexible and we can direct it with our thoughts. Abilities appear, commonly called paranormal. Sometimes they appear suddenly and clearly, but they can also appear gradually. Everything happens according to the soul’s plan. Knowledge, feeling, a lot of signs, confirmations appear. We have contact with spiritual beings who give us hints in various ways. Dreams with messages appear, and there is also conscious dreaming. The hints flow in a variety of ways. Also during meditation. But even in everyday life, many situations show us the obvious path.
When awakening occurs, there is an understanding that much more is happening than just the physical sphere. Synchronicities appear in huge numbers. We instinctively pick up on the messages and clues that are given to us. Life becomes exciting, beautiful, wonderful, unlimited. We see the meaning of existence and various events. Everyday life never looks the same again. Now it is magical, fascinating. There is a huge desire to explore, research, take care of our energy level, so that it keeps growing and so that we can see and do more. Sometimes, when we look from a distance, as if from the perspective of previous perception, we can feel as if we are going crazy. But this is not madness. This is a wonderful, blissful state that changes our lives forever.
Awakened souls experience life and constantly learn. We gain knowledge, seek explanations, constantly investigate. Gradually, the world opens up more and more. There are more and more clues, flows of information. We have to keep our eyes open, catch the data, be open. Information can take different forms. It can be things that seem very simple, but are imperceptible. It can be physical sensation, intuition, visions. It doesn’t have to be verbal or written messages. It can be simply empathy, understanding, perceiving truth and falsehood. New habits, new preferences, information flowing from our body in response to various products can appear. We notice more.
Awakening leads to changes in the body. The body adapts to higher vibrations. Its temperature, smell, appearance, DNA can change. The body may have different expectations than before. This applies to diet, activity, hygiene products, cosmetics, chemicals, intensity of sounds, light, humidity level, the environment in which it is located. It may require major changes, including changing the place of residence.
Higher plan
Awakening and spirituality are part of ascension. We awaken to our authentic soul nature. We strengthen ourselves to tune in to the connection with higher consciousness, wisdom. As our vibrations increase, and this awakening releases, our environment changes. We act as a magnet for higher vibrating people. We attract each other. We feel attraction to people with high frequencies, we meet other awakened people. We recognize each other on a spiritual level and establish relationships that elevate us each other.
Awakening is the process of raising our vibrational frequencies through spiritual practices, meditation, DNA activation. This is our highest goal – to develop spirituality and become pure light. Our task on earth is to develop, learn, love. Love and acceptance are our goal. Ambitions. Continuous development. Raising vibrations higher and higher.
Awakening opens up access to spiritual and energetic transformations that allow us to live as an awakened, divine being in the physical world.
How to achieve enlightenment
To achieve enlightenment and higher consciousness, it is necessary to free ourselves from old, limiting patterns, habits, beliefs and energies. Purification is a significant part of the awakening process. We must create space for the inner light and higher wisdom to radiate through us. Purification is cutting off ties with the past and letting go of pain, guilt, regret, and all burdens. Sometimes, in the process, the memory of past events disappears, especially if they were traumatic and hindered development. This helps us focus on moving forward. Awakening allows us to rise to a higher level of consciousness. Thanks to this, the path to enlightenment becomes shorter.
It is we who, through our thoughts, actions, ambitions, decide whether and how quickly we will make an internal transformation to awaken and rise. Every awakened person contributes to the growth of global consciousness. Every awakened person allows us to change the world for the better.
The process of awakening requires dedication to spirituality. It is a transition from a state of fear to a space of love. It is a process that requires freeing ourselves from old patterns and habits. In this way, one can rise to the light, develop spiritually, and reach a higher level of existence. This is how it is possible to achieve enlightenment.