Chakras – what are they and what is their role in the body

In human bodies, there are points where energy accumulates. There are seven main energy centers, located along the spine. These points are called chakras and are located from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

The chakra is a vortex (circle) of energy, having a specific color, frequency of vibrations, performs responsibility for certain vital functions.

Each chakra cooperates with specific organs, providing them with access to energy that allows them to work, perform specific functions. The lack of blockages, and thus the proper operation of the chakras, promotes the proper development of man, his abilities, skills, vitality.

The lower chakras are primarily responsible for the physical body, they are of a material nature. The upper chakras focus on the mental and spiritual state.

Characteristics of the 7 main chakras

  1. Base/root chakra
    It is responsible for relations with the earth: survival, security, physical strength, reproduction.
    Its color is red – it has the lowest frequency, it combines with the force of gravity.
    Organs and functions: large intestine, reproductive organs, immune system, mechanisms that keep the physical body alive.

  2. Sacred chakra
    It is responsible for sexuality, reproductive function, desire, optimism, ingenuity, empathy. It is a place for emotions.
    Its color is orange.
    Organs and functions: reproductive organs, pelvis, kidneys, bladder, large intestine, lymphatic system.

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra
    Responsible for power, success, respect, self-confidence, satisfying needs, achieving goals, strength.
    Its color is yellow – an element of fire.
    Organs and functions: adrenal glands, stomach, liver, large intestine, pancreas, face, eyes. Functions of digestion, feeding the body with the right ingredients and removing toxins.
    Sense of observation.

  4. Heart chakra
    It is responsible for filtering interpersonal relationships, the level of trust, peace, harmony, understanding. It is the center of love, devotion, spiritual growth. Dwelling place for the spirit, the Self.
    Its color is green.
    Organs and functions: heart, thymus, liver, lungs, skin. Functionality of hands, blood circulation.
    Sense of touch.

  5. Throat chakra
    It is responsible for the ability to speak, communicate, listen.
    Its color is light blue.
    Organs and functions: throat, esophagus, thyroid, teeth, neck vertebrae, ears. Functions of expression and reception, outward transmission, purification.
    Sense of speech.

  6. Third eye chakra
    It is responsible for cognition, monitoring, reception of thoughts, intuition. Telepathic abilities, clairvoyance, higher consciousness, enlightenment. A source of ideas, dreams, ambitions, self-image.
    Its color is indigo.
    Organs and functions: pituitary gland of the spine, brain, cerebellum, eyes, ears, nose, lymph nodes.
    Sense of intuition.

  7. Crown Chakra
    It is responsible for consciousness, wisdom, intelligence, it is a portal through which life energy enters the body, connection with the universe.
    Its color is purple – highest frequency.
    Organs and functions: pituitary gland, nervous system, brain. Spiritual life, holistic thinking, paranormal abilities.

People have different levels of energy chakras. Not every person is connected to all the main 7 chakras, which affects the differences in opinion, understanding, knowledge, consciousness… Each person’s energy field is their individual matter, ripening in a different way and at different times. This is influenced by various factors, experiences.