Every day I feel like I have more love inside me. My perspective keeps changing. I noticed that I stopped looking at myself in the mirror as a person, a human being. I look at myself and see a soul, even light.
The body has become a kind of tool for me. I take care of it so that it serves as a tool for the soul. So that it is efficient, strong and allows the soul to achieve its goals. I no longer have complexes. I look at various imperfections more in the category of aesthetics. Just as I would like to wear clean, fragrant, elegant clothes, I would also like to have clean, fragrant and good-looking skin. I now treat aesthetic medicine treatments as refreshing clothes. Combing, straightening hair, it’s like ironing clothes.
It is a really interesting experience to be less body and more spirit. I feel incredible pleasure, great happiness. I see that my eyes are laughing, they are very lively. I like myself a lot, but I also have to admit that I see myself physically differently, as if through a fog. I like myself as the soul that I see. I think I have a beautiful soul.
It is interesting that a few months ago, in this very way, I saw my friend (greetings to you if you’re reading this 💚). I saw him as light. He vibrated so high that I felt as if I was tuning in to his vibrations. It was a beautiful, wonderful experience. It changed my perception. It delighted me. It motivated me to continue working. It was the first time I met someone who was so advanced. I didn’t expect that the second person I would see as light would be myself.
A moment ago I took a few photos of myself (I posted them on Instagram) as part of an experiment, what about imaging myself. I look at the photos and I still see the soul, the light. It is not looking at a physical body, a person. It is similar with the aforementioned friend. I love his photos and I love that I see an advanced soul in them. It is hard for me to describe properly how wonderful it is to perceive in this way. A beautiful soul affects the attractiveness of the body. My friend is extremely handsome to me, and now I see myself as beautiful. A few years ago I wouldn’t be able to describe myself as beautiful. What’s happening is impossible to describe in the right words. It is amazing.
I started to see anew, I started to feel anew. I experience various situations anew. I go back to books I read years ago. Now I have more understanding. I also have the impression that certain situations are achievable, which previously seemed unrealistic to me for people currently incarnating. I like to verify whether what different people write about takes place in their lives. Whether people who write about miraculous rejuvenating possibilities use these powers and are actually strongly rejuvenated. Whether people who write about the physicality of the third eye really have visible birthmarks, bumps in the place of the sixth chakra. So far, I have not found anyone who would confirm their records. But privately I know a woman who does energy work and although she is about 80 years old, she looks 40.
Therefore, my individual feelings and events that can be considered paranormal are all the more valuable to me. I experience it myself. I convince myself of the possibilities of development, energy growth based on my own experiences. I understand that we cannot believe in it and be skeptical, because I have been through it myself. Until I experience something, I am skeptical. I consider it a common sense approach.
The bliss, happiness, energy that I feel at the moment are wonderful. Would a person think about creating wars, about doing evil, about negativity being constantly in such a state? I don’t think so.
I have had several events recently that have given me an insight into my current vibrational situation. It turns out that the lowest vibrating emotions that I have from time to time are anger and disgust. These feelings are caused by visible garbage on the streets, by noisy people, by unhygienic people, by vulgarity, inappropriate appearance, improper performance of activities. On the vibrational scale, these feelings vibrate around 150 Hz. Just below the feeling of pride (175 Hz) and courage (200 Hz). Desire (125 Hz) and fear (100 Hz) vibrate lower. I think this is a great progress compared to what I used to feel.
I was surprised that I perceive many things differently. I perceive longing and sadness differently. It is no longer painful. It does not hurt me physically. I feel it in the form of understanding. I understand that a person overwhelms themselves with various emotions. I do not hurt myself anymore. I have developed love for myself. When a feeling like longing appears, I simply speak to the person I like contact with.
Everything is proportional. The closer someone is to us, the deeper our emotions towards that person are. Contact with a close person gives me a great feeling of joy, excitement, motivation, inner peace and, of course, love. My ambitions grow with the feeling of love.
In my current state and feeling, especially these high-vibration emotions, love has come to the fore. There is no fear in me anymore. I have no qualms about saying that I love. And it is true. Every person with whom I correspond regularly and gladly reply to their messages, with whom I go out, for whom I devote my time can truly perceive it as love.
I feel that everything is achievable. Everything that we can imagine, that we can express in feelings. I have the impression that awakening is about reprogramming ourselves to be able to receive appropriately high frequencies. When vibrations increase, blockages are released. The limitations caused by the environment in which we grew up are removed. We start to feel better and better. Along with better well-being comes motivation to live and act. The body changes. It glows. It becomes healthier. More efficient. When only good emotions remain in us, goals, dreams become more achievable. We think about them only positively, without fear, pain, tension. Positive thinking speeds up realization.
I have found that there is a weak point, this common Achilles heel. It is contact with a weak, negative person. Such a person can drain us of our beautiful, high-vibrating energy. That person can change high vibrations to lower ones and cause worse well-being, illness. The sooner we can cut ourselves off from the source of low vibrations, the better. The faster we can change low vibrations to high, the better.
What do I feel after my vibrations weaken? Fatigue. My body goes into a trance, into a nap, or even into a sleep of several hours to regenerate. The body accustomed to high vibrations tends to rebuild them quickly. I am grateful for how intelligently it works. I love automatic operation.
Living alone is very practical in the process of awakening. For several years I have been practicing meditation just before going to sleep. Of course, this caused the process to become automated. Lying down in a familiar bed causes entering the alpha state, or a deeper one, and various sensations related to meditation. In my case, my body enters various vibrations, various reactions. Sometimes it wriggles, tosses, twists, contracts and relaxes. Sometimes I am in lucid dreaming mode and this also causes body movements. I cannot imagine living with another person who would not at least also be in this process.
Developing spiritually over time eliminates many acquaintances. This is very helpful in the process, very healthy. We attract vibrations similar to ours. At some point we may realize that the only people left around us are those who understand us, who have similar ambitions. Of course, I will not go into the issue of family. This is a permanent element, even in the process of awakening. However, our high vibrations affect everyone in our environment, including the family.
We are not able to completely isolate ourselves from people, these strangers, if we want to live in society, in the city, move around the world. Our energy fields are constantly mixed. So it is constantly exposed to changes in our energy, not necessarily increasing. I admit that I currently spend a lot of time at home. I am lucky to live in a quiet place where I am not exposed to energy drops. However, I have changed my place of residence many times precisely because of the unpleasant environment. My sensitivity to energy is high. I feel changes almost immediately. I can be very weakened after just a few minutes of meeting a negative person. My desire to heal can also be debilitating for me, although I know how to work to protect myself. Perhaps my desire to help is too great and I give myself away instead of drawing only from the universal source. Despite everything, I am always happy when healing works, even at my expense.
I know that many people still do not understand the topics I discuss. I receive messages of various types. There are messages from people who are familiar with the topic, there are messages from people who are looking for knowledge, support, but there are also many messages from people who are looking for completely different experiences and have the wrong perception that they will find them with me.
As I develop, I see that the energy of attracting similar vibrations really works. I receive more and more messages from people from all over the world who are on a path similar to mine. I love reading the stories of these people. I love exchanging experiences. It is a wonderful feeling when you know that it all makes sense, that there are more people who spread love, peace, happiness. In the face of conflicts, wars, spreading love is of great importance. It is love that fights fear. It is high vibrations that neutralize low. Conflicts are not resolved by more conflicts. The cure for everything is love. We need lots of love.
Let’s love ourselves, let’s love others, let’s infect with love!