Aura color – what is the aura and what does its color mean

Color is a vibration of energy. The vibrations of the molecules allow the content to be received. Each being is characterized by a vibration that is consistent with a particular color a little more intensely than with the others. This resonance is often felt by a given person and distinguished unconsciously by him through the use of a given color in his environment.

Color vibrations correspond to many aspects, such as spiritual ones, endocrine glands, human aura… Colors are like not necessarily visible threads in the fabric of every existence. The color of the spectrum fills the world with energy in the form of vibrations. These interact with the vibrations of beings, which affect life. Colors can be treated as signposts, directions, indicating the location even in the spiritual path.

The light we see is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, infrared or ultraviolet are also light, but they are not visible through the eye.

Light does not stop at objects, but even penetrates them. Light penetrates through the skulls of mammals, reaching deep enough to stimulate photoelectric cells inside brain tissue. Light affects the sexual cycle of both humans and animals. During insolation, hens lay more eggs, so poultry farmers use artificial lighting to make the results comparable in the winter season.

People with the ability to feel the vibrations of colors are able to see the aura of man. On the basis of colors, differing in shades and configuration, you can see the truth about a person. For example, one can see when someone lies – then there is a streak of lemon green stretching horizontally above the head of a given person.

Oscar Bagnall wrote that the radiation of the aura are waves of a length corresponding to the ultraviolet sector, beyond the range of normal vision. According to him, there are two spheres in the aura: the inner layer, which is associated with the physical body, and the outer layer, which connects with the mind and emotions.

What does the color of the aura mean

Shades of red

Aura clearly red – a strong, solid relationship with the earth.
Bright, pure red – vitality, generosity, physical health.
Pink glow – family.
Red turning into pink – happiness, sensitivity.
Deep red – strong passion, vitality, good health, sexuality.

The red aura is: strength, expansion, resourcefulness, inflexibility, self-absorption, judging according to one’s own insight of the situation, anger, quarrelsomeness and stubbornness.

Red as spot color

Focus on the physicality of work, good health, anger, anger.

Shades of orange

Bright, pronounced orange – strength, vitality, sexual passion, enthusiasm.

Orange aura: emotionality, joy of life, easy succumbing to changing moods, ambition, laziness, energy, heat, organization, unstable psyche, emotional instability.

Orange as spot color

Emotionality, instability.

Shades of yellow

Pronounced yellow – intellect.
Dull – mundane mind.
Bright, turning into gold – a mind more developed, purified.

Yellow aura: intellectualism, brilliant utterances, joy of life, speed, joy, creativity, self-centeredness, hyperbolism, oversensitivity, lying.

Yellow as a spot color

Focus on learning, getting to know, creative work.

Shades of green

Pronounced green – balance, harmony, heart color.
Bright, pure, emerald green – interest around healing.
Bright green means – calm nature, love of nature.

Green aura: empathy, adaptability, adoration of nature, animals (more than people), healing, good health, understanding, self-absorption, pinching.

Green as spot color

Empathy, compassion, understanding.

Shades of blue

Clear blue – sensitivity, faith, intuition.

Blue aura: inspiration, teaching, life guidance, development (not only spiritual), gathering knowledge and sharing knowledge, stability, lack of consistency, distraction on trifles.

Blue as spot color

Focus, calm.

Shades of turquoise

Pronounced turquoise – organization, efficiency, diligence.

Turquoise aura: organization, ease of achieving goals, energy, taking on too many challenges, workaholism.

Turquoise as a spot color

Planning and focusing on it.

Indigo shades

Indigo – intuition, adoration and desire to help others, dreaminess, idealism, kindness, openness, searching, discovering, thinking, calm, kind disposition, lack of internal discipline, oversensitivity, instability, inability to accept criticism, religious fanaticism.

Aura indigo: helping, feeling mission in life, prying, helping by force, self-pity.

Indigo as a spot color

Deep thoughts, reflection.

Shades of purple

Clear purple – spiritual ideals, spiritual power, the highest spiritual development, protection, purification, spiritual masters.
Purple with a shade of lavender – a higher level of spirituality, huge vitality.
Lilac shade – compassion, altruism.
Purple aura: appears first-rate above the head, as part of the progress in spiritual development, purple radiates from there until it fills the entire aura with its light. Trusting, sensitive, withdrawn, caring, oversensitive, unstable, self-righteous people.

Purple as a spot color

Deeply lived spiritual experiences, sincere faith.

Shades of pink

Pronounced pink – youthful enthusiasm, trust, naivety.

Pink aura: good heart, altruism, devotion, naivety bordering on stupidity, lack of maturity, irresponsibility.

Pink as a spot color

Feeling in love.

Shades of silver

Silver – spiritual and material wealth.
Bright silver – spiritual awakening, accumulation of material and spiritual riches.
Pure metallic silver – caring, intuition and creative mind.

Silver Aura: idealism, not embedded in matter but bound to spirituality. Spiritual Masters, higher energies, a definite path of life, a lot of wisdom in oneself, too much concentration on one’s goals to be good speakers.

Shades of gold

Golden – divine strength and wisdom.

Golden aura: listening to one’s inner voice, freedom from attachment to temporal matters, enjoying the bliss of life, unlimited possibilities. Adoration of technology, analytical mind.

White aura

White aura: the idealism of a person, a person spending too much energy on a given goal.

Black aura

Black aura: extreme exhaustion, closeness to death, finding oneself in esoteric demonic or satanic currents.

Aura gray

The aura grayed: not the best condition of the person, insomnia, forcing lifestyle, depressed mood, debilitating lifestyle, fatigue.

Aura dull, cloudy

Dull aura: lack of inner harmony, hard experiences, mental instability.

Dark aura

Dark aura: upcoming health problems, lack of personal development, stagnation.

Graphite aura

Graphite aura: depression, life under pressure, traumatic experiences.

Mustard Aura

Mustard aura: health problems, taking strong drugs or drugs.