Energy sensitivity

Today is a cloudier day, which of course has a strong effect on me. I react very strongly to weather changes, on the principle: it’s sunny/it’s not sunny. The sun fills me with joy, great euphoria, unlimited love. Its absence makes me feel tired and I need to take a nap.

I don’t think I’ve felt things like this before on such a scale as I do now. Suddenly I have the need to seek out the sun, to connect with sunny places through meditation. When I observe people, I either see the sun in them or I don’t. I myself have the desire to be such a sun, both for myself and for others.

Sometimes, when I feel uplifted by the vibrations of classical music, the sun or certain events, I notice that my aura, my smile, are noticeable to the people I pass. Similarly, I notice a smile in other people and even if I see such a person for a fraction of a second, their glow makes me feel good and my day is done.

The same thing happens the other way around. Other people’s burden gets to me. I feel someone’s nerves, stress, anxiety, anger. I want to run away from such people. I protect my field against their actions and direct the energy of love towards them. I never leave home without headphones. Appropriate music or funny podcasts rebuild my energy, which I lose when in contact with negative people.

In recent months, I have appreciated the fashion for funny accessories, additions and accents. I started to like it when elegant men in suits wear colorful, funny socks, sometimes two different ones. There are brands like Happy Socks that influence people to introduce some individuality and fun into their everyday styles. When we see such elements on others, we can smile and mentally thank them for raising our level of joy.
Similarly, I notice that sometimes teenagers and students carry mascots in the pockets of their bags and school bags. This is charming and also gives the impression that the person is warm and open.

Generally, each of us should find a method of immediate help in the event of energy loss. A method to replenish energy when something overwhelms us. For me it’s classical music, podcasts, meditation, gym, a funny program like Top Gear. For someone else it may be any type of sport, contact with a friend, hugging a pet or a stuffed animal, buying fragrant flowers, or working in the garden, doing a puzzle or another hobby. Any method is good if it works. And every method is good as long as it does not harm others.