Yin-Yang balance according to Chinese medicine

The Yin-Yang symbol comes from ancient Chinese medicine. It represents two energies – female and masculine. The world needs both energies: yin and yang equally. They are the foundation of the universe – intersecting – they give parenthood, they are a derivative of everything that has arisen.

Characterization Yin-Yang

Yin characterization (female energy):
– cold,
– dark color,
– low voice,
– weak breathing,
– weak pulse.

Yang characterization (masculine energy):
– hot,
– bright color,
– sonorous voice,
– good breath,
– fast, decisive, pulsating.

Based on the above characteristics, it is possible to determine which energy one is a carrier.
Only on the basis of examining the pulse of a pregnant woman can it be examined whether a boy or a girl will be born.

In maintaining the balance of Yin-Yang, it can be helpful to join in pairs. The well-known saying – “opposites attract” is confirmed here, or at least it is advisable.

Too strong male energy will cause overheating (rapid graying), overwhelm, pores close, anxiety appears, it is easier to function in winter than in summer. The heat hits the soul.

Too strong female energy will cause cooling, frigidity, the body becomes cold, it is easier to function in summer than in winter. The cold hits the body.

If there is pain in the body first, and then swelling – the soul does harm to the body.
If swelling first appears in the body, then pain – the dysfunction of the body hurts the soul.

Violent anger depletes the female energy – additional cooling.
Excessive joy depletes the male energy – additional warming.

Sometimes you can find foods and herbs dedicated to individual energies.
For Yin energy (cold and moisture) will be bitter, sour, salty – they stimulate the growth of energy.
For Yang energy (hot and dry) they will be sweet, bland – they inhibit, lower energy.