Numerology – number of experiences

The numbers of experiments represent the difficulties that must be faced in order to achieve the question of the sum of these numbers. For example, the overcome difficulty of the number of experiences 19, will realize the vibration 1+9=10/1.

What the number of experiences adhere to

The number of experiences are:

  • 13 – This number is happy for all people who do not see a negative message in it. 1 = stubbornness, 3 = knowledge, 1+3=4 = diligence. The number of experiences 13 warns against not giving in to laziness, not to regress in development.
    It is necessary to work and acquire knowledge.
  • 14 – This figure is associated with past experiences from which no proper conclusions have been drawn. 1 = stubbornness, 4 = work, 1+4=5 = experience, sudden events, variability. There may be sudden, unforeseen events, illnesses, delays.
    It is necessary to cut oneself off from the past by drawing lessons from it. You have to move forward, get freedom, use it properly.
    When 14 appears in the internal aspect of personality (the number of vowels in the name and surname – the soul), it can become a warning against emotional difficulties.
    When 14 appears in the goals of life (the sum of the values of all the letters in the name and surname), one can expect disappointments before the time of balance and liberation comes.
  • 16 is the karma of love, the past, hidden relationships. It can mean great ups and downs in love, success. You can experience both fulfillment, fairy-tale character and loss. 1 = stubbornness, 6 = close relationships, family, 1+6=7 = balance, wisdom, spirituality, self-improvement.
    It is necessary to get rid of one’s own “ego”, focus on spiritual development, gaining inner peace, acceptance, understanding.
    In the inner aspect of personality, 16 warns against any relevant relationships, such as friendship or partnership. They can be inappropriate and cause suffering.
    16 in the purposes of life, warns of the difficulties associated with work and social status.
  • 19 – karma of unused potential or misused forces. It is associated with the hardship of life, which is to result in understanding, independence and the achievement of wisdom. 19 is the number of righteousness, of repentance. Surrender without a fight means the possibility of disease and destruction. 1 = stubbornness, 9 = spirituality, morality, artists’ number, 1+9=10/1 = independence, acquisition, achievement.
    You have to work off your faults. This can provoke an examination of conscience and awareness of the mistakes made.
    In the inner aspect of the personality, the sufferings of the soul, its struggles, the hardships of life come to view.
    19 for the purposes of life means losses associated even with illusions.

Table with letter values

Useful for calculations table with numeric values of letters. The letters K and V are letters with masterful values. They should be assigned the value K – 11, V – 22.

How to calculate the number of experiences

For example, the value of the name and surname will be calculated: Elon Musk. There are no calculations for subsequent names of this person, so it will be an official, professional portrait.
Calculations, conducted for all owned names and surnames (including church names and maiden names), show the portrait of a person in relations with loved ones. The official and family portrait of a person can differ significantly from each other.

Vowel values563
Consonant values354111

Vowels: 5+6+3=14/5

14 is the number of experiences. The sum of the vowels indicates the inner aspect of the personality – the soul, spirituality.
14, as the number of experiences indicates emotional difficulties, the possibility of emotional fall.

14, constituting 1+4=5, indicates:
– dynamic personality, full of fantasy,
– desire to act, above-average,
– many crazy passions,
– high abilities, creativity, originality,
– creating new,
– a lot of energy for action, activity, cognition, experience,
– adoration of novelty, modernity, travel,
– impatience, stubbornness, irritation.

Consonants: 3+5+4+1+11=24/6
The sum of consonants indicates the external aspect of personality – personality traits visible to others: behavior, lifestyle, a kind of mask for internal emotions.

6, as visible features, indicates the following:
– communicativeness, sociability, hospitality, grace,
– diligence, honesty, responsibility,
– sentimentality, dreaminess,
– boasting about family and home and its key element in life,
– meticulousness,
– excessive attachment to the goods and pleasures of life.

The value of vowels and consonants: 5+6=11/2

11/2 is a number that determines the purpose of life – abilities, possibilities, constituting goals that are to be achieved. Goals can change with the change of names, surnames.

Focusing on the official portrait, Elon Musk possesses a master number of life goals.
The master number 11 is achievable if the final number is worked out – in this case 2. High development leads to the achievement of mastery.

Characteristics (purpose of life) for numerological value 2:
– imitation, relying on issues already created,
– features of diplomacy, tact,
– a good employee, subordinate,
– straightforwardness, modesty, kindness, conscientiousness.

Under the influence of negative emotions, numerological 2 can become:
– malicious, sinister,
– fraudulent,
– passive.

Numerological 2 will be fulfilled in the professions:
– psychologist, psychiatrist, pedagogue,
– mediator, social guardian,
– teacher,
– politician, diplomat.

Developed 2 from the master number 11, becomes it.
Features of the master 11:
– idealist,
– a great guide (for a multitude of people),
– if he focuses on spiritual development, he can become a clairvoyant or a specialist in fields requiring high intuition.

Numerological 11 will work, in the professions:
– scientist,
– philosopher,
– speaker, diplomat, politician,
– actor, painter, writer.

Descriptions of all numerical values for the inner, external aspect of personality and the purpose of life can be found in separate articles.