Numerology – the external aspect of personality

The external aspect of personality (expression) shows the personality traits visible to the public. It is the impression that a person makes on the environment through his personal culture, behavior, lifestyle. The external aspect of personality can be calculated by summing up the values of consonants in the name and surname (for an official, professional portrait) or in names and surnames (for a portrait of a person in front of relatives and friends).

The vibration of numbers in the external aspect of personality

  • 1 – is visible to the environment, as an independent, dynamic, individualist, full of strength and ambition. He has creative abilities, has a lot of ideas and willingness to act and implement. Ones are admired, there are often people who envy them. Ones often have selfish, authoritarian, conceited behavior, they do not necessarily take into account the feelings of others. They can have enemies and be involved in various conflicts. Ones following the right path, full of understanding, can develop spiritually and bring many positive issues for themselves and others.
  • 2 – twos are considered shy people, but nice, cordial, even naive. They are perceived as good spirits, radiating love, gentleness, pleasant to deal with. They expect care and devotion from the environment to them. If they are neglected, they may show irritation, irritability.
  • 3 – they are joyful, sociable, popular. They show extroverted features, they like company. They have a lot of grace, a lot of forgiveness because of the energy they radiate. With their attitude, rustling, they achieve much more than others, often working hard for success. Threes can recklessly introduce people who blindly trusted them into problems.
  • 4 – fours tend to be very serious, hardworking, dutiful, persistent. They are considered strict, focused on work, development, tact. Fours are cautious, distrustful, need in-depth analysis and confirmation before they engage in something new, unknown to them. Four is a sober, cautious realist, constant character, stoic attitude, calmness, prudence. He will not accept reckless, lazy and dishonest people in his environment.
  • 5 – A person with an external vibration 5 presents himself as dynamic, impulsive, courageous. He hates monotony, melancholy, laziness. He has a strong need to realize dreams and ideas that he has a full head for. Five is considered unstable, mobile, impatient. It is contradictively perceived by the environment, it is difficult to keep up with it and see it through. She herself is changeable, ambitious, constantly knows, engages, experiences and as part of rapid development, she can also quickly change her views. It is not created for long-term relationships, having one place of residence throughout life. Such a person quickly gets bored and has a need to meet a new one. Freedom and independence are crucial for her.
  • 6 – is a person who presents himself as gentle, balanced, sociable, responsible. He likes to dream and also dreams are guided in life choices. It is emotional, strongly connected to home and family. He is able to completely give himself to his loved ones. The most important thing in her life is to have a full home and take care of her spouse and children. Six can become passive, meticulous, penetrate deeply into the environment of other people. He can become overly attached to persons, material goods and pleasures. He needs a constant environment of others. He often receives guests, or has animals, plants that he can take care of.
  • 7 – likes to isolate himself. He is considered a wild, spiritual and original person. He gives the impression of a visionary, a scientist, an intellectual. He uses a rich vocabulary, emphasizing his extraordinariness. He deepens his knowledge, searches for truths. It is sometimes misunderstood, rejected. She is perceived as too proud, narcissistic. Meanwhile, the seven protects themselves in this way, not wanting to show shyness and fears. He secretly wants love, recognition.
  • 8 – is respected, recognized, accepted. He has a preference for leading, directing. He has a strong personality and easily achieves his goals. She is ambitious, hardworking, bold, honest, likes momentum. He’s lucky for business.
  • 9 – He lives the lives of others, cares more about others than about himself. She is self-sacrificing, humane, helpful. He likes to listen to others, support them. He feels the need for mission, responsibility for others. She is spiritual. Helping others, he neglects himself. She lives in chaos herself. It is difficult for her to accept the comments of others towards her. He has his own norms of conduct and his own lifestyle.
  • 11, 33 – they have a unique personality that never goes unnoticed. They are strong, tough, have a certain direction in life. They are wise men, directing others. They help others, they convert them. Every person who comes into contact with them experiences their wisdom. They can have a great influence on the fate of others. 11 and 33 often have above-average abilities, clairvoyance, prophetic dreams are manifested. They are happy to help others by making them aware, motivating them and fulfilling themselves in this way.
  • 22, 44 – these people are unique, unique, have above-average abilities to implement plans. However, everything depends on self-confidence and attitude to life. These people often play very important roles in society and are difficult to overlook. They are successful people.

How to calculate the number of the external aspect of personality

To calculate the vibration of the external aspect of personality, it is necessary to sum up all the consonants contained in the name and surname (official portrait, professional portrait) or names and surnames (portrait for loved ones). The table below is helpful for this:

Example: vibration of the internal (official, professional) aspect of personality for Albert Einstein:



11 is a master number:
– strength, hardness,
– great wisdom,
– above-average abilities,
– great influence on the fate of others,
– clairvoyance, prophecy.