I am

I am who I feel.

Lesson 1. Each of us strives for enlightenment. Each of us is on the path to becoming enlightened right now. To achieve this, we are hardened, just like it is done with the hardest steel, which, as a result, wears out the slowest. This type of steel endures the most. She is the strongest. This is the experience of life. Hardening. Strengthening the steel of character. This results in perfect and eternal Mastery.

Lesson 2. When we decree a constructive thing within us, the force within us pushes us to do it.

Lesson 3. Everyone should remember that it is not the Student who chooses the Master, but the Master who chooses the Student.

Lesson 4. The correct attitude of a Student is to rejoice in the progress of others. Each of us receives what we need most at this moment, at this time. Everyone receives something that is best for them and their development path. Each student has his own pace. You cannot expect to receive the same thing because there are no two identical individuals with the same level of development. They cannot receive the same thing at the same time.

So who do I feel like?

I am… who? I am… what?

Everything we do should be guided by intention. Intention is directing energy towards a specific goal. We have the power to act, the power to create. Energy directed towards a specific purpose certainly achieves the goal. What kills the creative power is called doubt.

Confident people get more. People who focus on one thing will get it sooner. Because they know. They know it will happen. Amen.