Numerology – the internal aspect of personality

The inner aspect of the personality indicates the soul, the aspirations of the soul, its needs, its talents. To calculate the value of the intrinsic aspect of personality, it is necessary to sum the vowels in the name and surname. This will create an official, professional portrait of the soul. To create a portrait of the inner personality, which is intended for relatives, friends, family, you need to sum up the vowels in all your names, including church and maiden names.

The vibration of numbers in the inner aspect of personality

  • 1 – type of leader, ruler, leader. One is independent, self-confident, focused on achieving success. He has high self-esteem. He can continue to act when others have given up. Persistent, stubborn, firm, hardworking. He achieves a strong position thanks to his commitment. She needs recognition, she is proud, often selfish. Family is an element of showing herself for herself, it is a component part of her position. Therefore, it is not necessarily guided by love, but more by the social, material and professional position of the partner.
    The lesson: to see others, their rights.
  • 2 – a sociable person, desiring love. She realizes herself in works where she is surrounded by other people. She cares about contacts, interpersonal relationships. He doesn’t mind staying in the shadows, as long as he’s among others and has their approval. She is amorous, emotional, shy, good. He has little faith in himself and his abilities. To gain recognition, she can be insincere – she tells others what they expect. She attracts people to her, but it is others who must push her to act and motivate her with praise.
    The lesson: do not give up, believe in yourself, implement ideas.
  • 3 – a creative, talented, brilliant, versatile person. It attracts both people and material goods. She is cheerful, kind, often achieves success. Three should see their talents and develop them. She is exposed to mistakes in partner relationships. He likes to flirt with others. When she finds the right person, despite her open personality, she will remain faithful to her. She loves children and animals. Sometimes he starts his love life anew. There may appear such qualities as: gossip, superficiality, pride, extravagance, anger, jealousy. Three may also be intolerant of others and haughty. He can use his energy positively or scatter on unnecessary issues.
    The lesson: become understanding, patient, realize your talents.
  • 4 – a very hardworking, responsible, serious person. She is solid, rather honest, she is an analytical type. Just like from yourself, it also requires diligence and discipline from others. She is a traditionalist, it is difficult to convince her to change her opinion and attitude. In love, she is secretive, does not express feelings, is sparing in words. It focuses more on material than spiritual matters. She is cautious, distrustful, meticulous. He is prone to fanaticism.
    The lesson: become a more open and tolerant person.
  • 5 – dynamic type, eager for experience. It has many fantasies and has no brakes before implementing them. He hates routine, mediocrity. Five is full of passion, very talented, creative, they are also very emotional. The key is freedom, freedom, lack of attachment. Five have a need to realize, to turn dreams into real products. She is impatient, she has no problems with abandoning unnecessary things, not bringing anything new, fresh.
    The lesson: be more constant, understanding, loyal.
  • 6 – for a person with an inner vibration 6, the most important thing is love, home, family. She is constant, loyal, caring. This person is humane, sometimes overprotective, fearful, has a fear of rejection, the departure of a person to take care of. Sometimes she is mentally weak, dependent on other people, meticulous.
    The lesson: take care of yourself, raise your ambitions beyond having a family.
  • 7 – difficult, restless soul. She needs understanding, love, and at the same time she has a problem with it. He seems to be a type of embittered loner, dry, closed in his own spiritual, proud world. Sometimes he manifests himself as a narcissistic figure, misunderstood, but looking for favors for strength. She has no intention of becoming an average, ordinary person, she wants to be admired. He spends a lot of time on mental analyses, looking for various issues. He is interested in novelties, he wants to always be on top. He likes design, originality. He needs peace, silence, solitude. He can become a sage, a clairvoyant, or lose himself in his own world. She is a fearful, nervous, melancholic person.
    Lesson: Accepting solitude as moments for yourself. Forbearance towards others. Showing affection.
  • 8 – balanced, fair, fair. A material person rather than a spiritual person. He is lucky for money and material goods. He succeeds if he wants to. With the right approach, he can win everything, get the favor of others. She has great strength, the ability to concentrate, she is persistent, steadfast. He can take part in scandals, loud situations. She is not very tolerant of others – it is hard for her to believe that you can have less abilities, different energy.
    Lesson: learning tolerance, acceptance, forbearance.
  • 9 – spiritual, a person with a mission. He wants freedom and absolute love for others and the world. She is an understanding, altruistic, humane and self-sacrificing person. She wants to share her knowledge and experience. It is aimed at activity in the spiritual sphere, it can develop in the psychic sciences. Open, pure, developed nine have high intuition, prophetic dreams, visions of the future. It should travel and experience, control emotions.
    Lesson: Take care of yourself, your needs, do not give everything to others.
  • 11 and 33 – an inspired, spiritual, creative person with great intuition and imagination. It can achieve success in any area of life. She is humane, ambitious, she directs, she helps to show the right way.
    Lesson: be understanding.
  • 22, 44 – a person with a spiritual vibration of 22 or 44, is created for great achievements. He has a huge gift for making money. All you need is the desire and initiation of action. 22 and 44 are good, have a rich imagination, desire freedom, balance, opportunities for action, often possess the gift of clairvoyance. They can achieve great things, be leaders. However, it should be remembered that the unused potential boils down to digits resulting from the sum of numbers: 2+2=4 and 4+4=8.

How to calculate the number of the inner aspect of personality

To calculate the vibration of the internal aspect of personality, it is necessary to sum up all vowels contained in the name and surname (official portrait, professional) or names and surnames (portrait for loved ones). The table below is helpful for this:

Example – the vibration of the internal (official, professional) aspect of personality for Donald Trump:

Vowel values613

Vowels: 6+1+3=10/1

1 is:
– leader, ruler, leader,
– wants to rule, command, give orders,
– independence, self-confidence,
– a successful person, striving at all costs to achieve the set goals,
– a person full of ideas, fearless,
– desire for independence,
– a strong need for recognition,
– a proud person, often selfish, meticulous,
– representativeness is more important than love,
– does not necessarily take into account others, the rights of others.