Kundalini – current impressions

In recent days, I have been suffering from Kundalini fever. I can’t say when it started, because I bought the thermometer only on July 13. From the beginning, the measurements showed a temperature above 37 degrees. This is also my condition today. The temperature changes every second, so it’s hard for me to give specific values. I also don’t know what temperature I reach during strong sessions, when I feel like I’m on fire and on the verge of endurance.

I constantly feel flows and waves of energy within me. I feel the grounding coming on from time to time. My head continues to give me “hints” as I consider things that are more interesting to me. Right now it’s giving me confirmation too 🙂 It’s super nice and pleasant. These “confirmations” appeared to me two years ago and I consider them to be something wonderful.

About once every two days, and sometimes every day, I experience a sudden “pull” into the alpha state, when the only thing I can actually do is lie down and surrender to the action of higher energy. I lie in such inertia and without my own thoughts for sometimes up to three hours! My body then assumes a naturally spread position known from Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing “Vitruvian Man”. During this time, various images and visions appear in my head, I hear muffled voices and sounds, sometimes my hearing sharpens to an unprecedented scale, which is not pleasant. What feels good is the touch of energy. It is so pleasant and intense that it brings me to an energetic orgasm. There is no sexual experience here, but it is a feeling closer to hugging and stroking. There is a wonderful feeling of care and pure love. This is how I learn to love. It’s hard to put into words this greatness.

I wonder about the door opening in front of me. At first I ignored it, thinking maybe it was a draft that I hadn’t noticed. Except it happened over and over again. This morning I was alone in my part of the building when the door suddenly opened. And later, when I was in another part, also alone, a heavy fire door with a self-closing system suddenly opened and closed in a strange way. I guess that was enough proof that it wasn’t a draft. I didn’t feel anything negative, I didn’t smell anything, I didn’t hear any sounds. Nothing was strange except the door itself. I’m still waiting for an explanation for this phenomenon. I’m sure it will come soon.

The people around me are changing. I mean both clients and private relationships. I deal with more advanced souls and perhaps not necessarily more advanced people, but their cases. If I were to divide it into two groups, this is what it would look like. It’s usually the case that people with potential stay longer. Because they want to develop and they do it. As long as there is development and as long as the energy difference is not too great, the relationship persists. Large energy differences are tiring and this fatigue causes withdrawal. This natural selection method is very useful and helpful because it allows us to cut ourself off from people who could weaken or disrupt our development.

Feeling great is excellent. This bubble that has formed is something really helpful and beautiful. I feel protected, cared for and loved. People often talk about the pink bubble and I actually like to surround myself with pink lately. It’s also partly because the purple color is less achievable and pink seems to be similar to me. Additionally, the color pink is a phenomenon because, according to what I have read in various articles, the color pink is an illusion that has no vibration! I don’t know how much truth there is here, I hope that one day I will be able to verify it properly.

I have always been an observer, I loved observing people, their behavior, I liked analyzing behavior… Now I also pay attention to it when I move, when I travel, but now I look from a different perspective – now I look at souls. I developed an understanding of different behaviors and different types of people. “As in Heaven, so on Earth” – as at HOME, so in the place of incarnation. There are different levels of soul development, there are different karmas to process, there are different roles to play. I too was once a beggar, a drunkard, a criminal, a degenerate, I was also a victim, a ruler, a subject, a person with a slightly wonderful life and someone badly abused, I was a priest, an artist and I was someone famous. Everyone goes through such incarnations to experience all types of teachings and build their soul’s identity based on them. That’s why I’m not outraged now by what used to shock me. Now I understand and accept it.

I love the eyes. I learned to look people in the eye. I’m looking for their eyes, their look. I also look into my eyes often. I look for soul in them. I love my eyes. I like to look at my old photos and compare them with new ones. I don’t care what my body looked like or what I was wearing or what I was doing. I look at what my eyes were saying at the time. Was there depth in them, was there shine in them? How many manifestations of the soul and how many manifestations of humanity were there in them. It’s nice to see our development based on what’s happening in our eyes.

Since I have completely surrendered myself to the action of higher energies, I have noticed that their great effect is evident. This is amazing. I feel as if someone was observing my readiness for various experiences and sending them at the right time. It fits together like a puzzle. Additionally, it is consistent with what has been in my head over the years. My small-big dreams come true and they take the visual form of what has become the most attractive in my head over the years. It’s so fascinating that I wonder if these ideals were formed only in this life, or if I had them programmed before I started this incarnation. How can I explain something that is 100% consistent with what I have selected over the years as ideal features? There have been so many phenomena that seem unimaginable in my life in recent years, months, and especially weeks that I am unable to identify them in any other way than as the real action of these higher forces. I really believe in Dr. Michael Newton’s research, and I have plenty of experience confirming it.