Kundalini transformation – current impressions

The process of Kundalini transformation is amazing, there are no words to describe it properly. The physical discomforts associated with the process can be very uncomfortable, but at the same time the mentality changes, and the impressions during meditation can be incredible.

I am still in shock from the event that happened a few days ago. It was like I had experienced the same day twice. Not 100%, but I had déjà vu of what I had seen in the media. I knew the photos, the reports, the articles, the course of events. I had the impression that it had all happened the day before! It is explainable by quantum physics, but to experience it to such a degree is an inexpressible, somewhat strange, even unbelievable experience!

I could not sleep for the last two nights because of the tightness in my chest. I felt a strong longing at the same time. My friends who have experienced Kundalini believe that the relationship with the twin flame is making itself felt more and more strongly. Honestly, I have no other explanation for it. This feeling is strong, overwhelming, almost screaming. Maybe there was a bit of sadness in it? I think there is no good word to describe it briefly. To name this emotion. The impression is as if the heart was shrinking. It is difficult to breathe. Every moment I am gasping for more air. I have so many questions in my head about this relationship. People who have met their energy twins talk about the difficult experiences that await them. This is related to the stages of spiritual development that must be passed on the path to enlightenment. I secretly hope that the painful experiences from my past have allowed me to process everything that is most important and that my path with my twin flame will not be painful.

It is difficult for me to say how much truth there is in this, but I have read that we meet the twin ray at a time when we are at a high level of spiritual development. This is influenced by previous incarnations. The awakening of Kundalini is proof of this. When both twins are awakened to Kundalini, it indicates that both souls are ready for a common path. Until the awakening occurs, karmas are still being processed.

I am researching the issue of twin flames because what I have been feeling for some time now feels like it is tearing me apart from the inside. This year has seen the biggest changes. In particular, the increase in my body temperature, constant pressure, and the beatings of even greater pressure in my head, which affects my vision and hearing. During my spring vacations, I “fought” with my own body… In addition, I have the impression of something bigger, a strong connection, a bond. Of course, I try to understand it, I want to explain it, I want to control it. I need to control my body and mind because I have to be able to work. Vacations are not and have never been important to me, but work is and I would like to do it at a high level.

Despite the difficult moments, I am happy. I know how unique the process of spiritual transformation is and I am grateful for it. I am grateful for the strength and endurance I am gaining. I know that this process leads to electronic changes in my body and gives me the ability to be a better, more efficient channel for energy. This process also leads to excellent health and enormous possibilities. We have to be open and ready. Have as few blockages as possible. This helps to go through the process more gently. Every doubt, incorrect programming, negative attitude is an additional obstacle affecting the speed and intensity of the transformation.

I try to radiate love, peace, understanding. Be nice, polite and grateful. Respect others. It all comes back to us. High vibrations allow us to live pleasantly and happily. I am sure that they also allow us to go through the transformation process in a gentler way.