Numerological 2 – characteristics

Numerological two:
– has a mild character,
– is modest and good,
– she is characterized by a pigeon heart,
– wants harmony, peace in the world,
– is responsible and serious,
– often becomes a mediator,
– is understanding, tolerant,
– can patiently clarify contentious issues,
– skilfully adapts to different environments,
– is discreet and subtly works,
– has good intentions.

The two is most often introvert, suppress her own feelings, is modest and calm. She is sensitive, calm, delicate, she needs confirmation that she is needed, that she works properly. She avoids managerial positions, avoids sight. She feels good in less responsible positions. Stability and omnipresent peace are important to her. She opens in the comfort of a home fire, with family and closest friends. She prefers to absorb their happiness rather than pursue material goods.

The two is characterized by slowness and calmness in fulfilling her duties. She likes monotony, which she associates with harmony and peace. She comes to success in small steps.

The two love and desire to be loved. She is not the dominant person in the relationship. She is affectionate and caring. She exhibits many feminine qualities. She is sensual, kind, patient, sensitive. She needs to be appreciated, complimented.