Quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement is one of the most fascinating phenomena in quantum physics. It involves a situation in which two (or more) particles are in a quantum state where their properties are so strongly linked that a change in the state of one particle immediately affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them.

Features of quantum entanglement

Nonlocality: Particles that are entangled can be at opposite ends of the universe, and a change in the state of one of them automatically affects the state of the other. This phenomenon is independent of space and time.

Superposition: Each of the particles can exist in a superposition of different states (e.g. spin up and spin down), but until we measure one of the particles, the state of the other remains undefined. After measuring one particle, the state of the other is immediately fixed.

Bell’s experiment: In 1964, John Bell proposed a test (Bell’s inequalities) that was intended to check whether quantum entanglement really does defy classical intuitions of physics. Experiments proved that quantum entanglement is a real phenomenon and cannot be explained using so-called hidden variables.

An example of quantum entanglement

Imagine two particles A and B that are entangled and have a quantum state associated with their spin. If we measure the spin of particle A and it turns out to be “up,” then immediately (regardless of distance) the spin of particle B will be “down.” Even though we don’t know what state each particle is in before the measurement, their states are closely correlated.

Quantum entanglement in souls relationship

The theory describing the interaction of twin flames is called quantum entanglement. Souls created from the same energy would have an exceptionally strong influence on each other regardless of the distance separating them.

Quantum entanglement is discussed in spiritual matters in the following aspects:

Connection between people: It is often said that people can be energetically connected. The feelings, thoughts or intentions of one person can affect another, even at a distance. In quantum entanglement, we have an analogous situation, where particles are connected in a way that is independent of distance.

Intuitive interaction: Some people claim to feel the presence, thoughts or emotional states of others, even if they are far away. This can resemble a sense of immediate interaction, similar to quantum entanglement, where a change in the state of one particle immediately affects the state of the other. In practices such as meditation, energy healing or telepathy, the concept of “entanglement” can occur for the duration of the session.

Quantum consciousness: Some philosophers and researchers suggest that the consciousness or energy of the human mind could operate on principles similar to quantum phenomena.

Use in healing

In alternative health approaches, such as energy healing (e.g. reiki, acupuncture, bioenergy therapy), people can affect their own energy and the energy of others. In this context, the concept of quantum entanglement is sometimes used to explain how the energies of people can affect each other, even at a distance. Group meditation or group prayer are presented as examples of energetic entanglement, where a cooperative intention has a collective effect.