Self-hypnosis – how to perform autosuggestion

Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool that you can use to help you make positive changes in your life. Self-hypnosis or autosuggestion is the practice of applying hypnotic techniques to oneself in order to achieve a desired goal or outcome.

What is self-hypnosis

The process of self-hypnosis involves focusing attention and concentration on internal dialogue, while being guided by relaxation and visualization suggestions.

Effects of autosuggestion

Self-hypnosis has been proven to be beneficial in reducing stress levels, improving sleep quality, increasing self-confidence and performance levels, and helping to achieve weight loss goals, among other things. The purpose of autosuggestion is not only to help you achieve your goals, but also to ensure a healthy balance between mind, body, and soul.

How to perform self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis requires preparation before the start of the session. It is important to create an environment conducive to relaxation, e.g. it can be a comfortable seat, eliminating any potential interference from the environment, such as noise, bright light, flashing light. It is also helpful to have a basic knowledge of hypnotherapy techniques. One technique is to visualize yourself in different scenarios that represent success in the face of a challenge. An example is imagining success at work.

Self-hypnosis should begin with closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. It is necessary to relax enough to enter a trance state. In this state, it is necessary to suggest the achievement of any goal that was previously set. It is good to use as accurate visualization as possible, or repeat affirmations many times. Suggestions should be as specific as possible. The time of hypnosis can be any. Even a dozen or so minutes is enough. It is good to perform self-hypnosis regularly, e.g. every day. From the trance state, one should leave with the intention of feeling energy, freshness, self-confidence, confidence in achieving the set goal.

After hypnosis, it is good to relax additionally, enjoy the sense of inner peace that has been achieved through the successful application of autosuggestion.