The power of meditation

I notice a significant difference between how I feel on days when I meditate and on days when I skip meditation.

The above difference is so big that it affects not only my mood, but also the decisions I make, and I even dare say that it influences what is happening in my life.

I admit that the last few weeks have not been easy for me. Things happened that depressed me. This does not mean that my vibrations have dropped to the lowest, because I am far from violence and deep pessimism. However, my frequency could certainly have decreased compared to the one I had developed earlier.

I worked out, that’s a good word, because I meditated every day, I did Reiki every day.

Then I felt bliss, love, gratitude, I was sure that it would only get better. Then came a breakdown and resignation, caused by the painful life situation and the difficulty of understanding it.

I had barely come to terms with reality when another situation appeared that I did not understand at all. Unbelievable and painful for me.

Even with general knowledge of how the universe works, how to behave, how to maintain the right vibrations, it is difficult to be constantly happy when you receive painful blows whose origins you do not understand.

So, for several or a dozen weeks I have been feeling a weight in my chest, which sometimes becomes more painful.

I haven’t always (recently) felt like just meditating. Somehow I preferred to look for solutions to situations that affected me. Instead of taking care of the comfort of my spirit first. Instead of taking care of your mental comfort.

Now I’m back to daily meditation as before. The recent lack of regularity showed me that meditating is as important as sleep. Even when I gave up meditation, I had difficulty sleeping and anxiety.

Everything happens for a reason. After about a year and a half of daily meditation, I was supposed to find out that it was enough to let go for a moment and the gray reality could once again cover the colorful, light world of love.

Now I know how important an element of life spirituality has become for me. How much it supports me, how much strength it gives me. Half an hour a day is enough to feel differently, to see differently, to have love filling you.