The scales of love

Humanity is wrong about fighting wars. Hatred cannot be killed by hatred. Hate is cured by love.

As our consciousness develops, we realize that the cure for virtually everything is love. It is a universal remedy that is helpful in every aspect.

In Polish we have the words nice and love next to each other. Being nice is showing love. This is a great tip and you don’t have to look far.

Mostly, we become weaker when we lack this love. When we find ourselves in a difficult environment, when there is violence, sadness and nervousness around us. Weakness is also caused by failure to achieve a set goal or fulfillment of a dream. When great ambitions collide with failure, this sudden drop in high vibrations produces a weakness that is very susceptible to disease.

Even the strongest person can suddenly fall ill or fall. In the event of a sudden collision with a highly uncomfortable situation, prevention must be equally quick to prevent the weakening from deepening.

It is therefore important to have loving people around you. Sometimes our own self-love can fail to maintain a state of balance. Needs extra strength.

Family, friends, a partner are a gift that allows us to go through life with a lighter step. It is living love, it is the best therapists, the best motivators. Their strength is invaluable.

Removing interpersonal relationships from our lives can be very costly to our health. We don’t have to start a family or have two hundred friends, but have a few friends. Let’s be support for each other. Let’s give and take, let’s exchange energy. Let’s pull each other up, let’s exchange energy. But let’s not go backwards.

People causing wars are unhappy people who have lost their high vibration feelings. Let’s not lower ourselves to their level. Do we want to be equally unhappy? When love becomes the answer to evil, the opponent becomes distracted. Mixing high and low energy averages the value. For low energy, it will be an increase that may contribute to a change of attitude and an end to the conflict.