Constant changes – raising vibrations

There is not a day when absolutely nothing happens. Even if one day I don’t have time for a Reiki session, something always happens that confirms that there is an increase in vibration as part of the desire to develop and practice frequently.

When you raise your vibrations, situations and people find you. I’ve had a lot of such incidents. For example, while going on holiday in a foreign country, I met someone who, after a few minutes of conversation, asked me if I would help him with energy for his ailments. More people talk to me and give me gifts, I receive more invitations from strangers.

Recently, I have also become much more sensitive to the discomfort of people around me. I have previously sensed someone’s discomfort when scanning the person as part of a Reiki session. Lately, I’ve been sensing people’s pain from a few meters away. This feeling can be very painful. It happened when I felt a terrible pain in my heart, as if someone had pierced it right through. I felt pain in my neighbor’s hand as he had been sanding something for several hours. I also sensed tooth disease hours before he started speaking.

Lately, even meditation has become much more engaging. There are times when I see things come into my life over the next few days.

I feel that changes are still taking place in me. I feel my vibration level rising. Virtually every time for several weeks, during sessions and meditation, I see light or I am blinded by light.

I am overjoyed that this process is taking place and that there is no end to it. I am curious, I am sure of my path, I am motivated to act and to follow it further.

I’ve been swamped with books lately. I threw myself at them more than before. I find there issues that have been waiting for this very moment. However, there is still so much to discover, to understand.

I am proud of the fact that I became interested in energy when I was a child. That now, at a relatively young age, I already have so many experiences. Although there was a time when work on energy development was dormant, when fear, despair, complexes, anger took over… However, in no case do I regret anything. These experiences were very helpful to me before what I am currently experiencing.

Having a lot of experience regarding medical and social issues… Having experienced a few traumas and painful experiences… I am able to look at my current reality differently. I am able to understand many of the people I come into contact with as a therapist. Most people who come to therapy are dealing with the same issues that I experienced years ago. Now I can help them with greater understanding.

I’m happy to be a researcher in all this. I am an analytical, curious type of person who needs to experience, try and verify. My clients, my friends, are extremely excited to experience new things and to be a part of my research. I’m grateful for that. This is a great happiness and pleasure for me.

The level at which we vibrate attracts things that are specific to us and our vibration. When I was filled with sadness, anger and nervousness, people around me also emanated such emotions, and life brought me new experiences that were not pleasant for me. As the vibrations increased, miraculous and even unbelievable events appeared, like from novels or movies. Consciously taking care to increase my frequency, I invite pleasant things, interesting people, new inspirations, books…

Of course, exposure to unpleasant situations always exists. However, the reaction is important. If we allow ourselves to be intimidated, provoked, or saddened, our vibrations may drop dramatically and cause unpleasant consequences, e.g. in the form of illness or an unfavorable development of the situation. With a cheerful attitude, acceptance, accepting the event as, for example, a kind of repair of karma, settling accounts, it will be easier for us and the situation may turn for the better, or at least become neutral.

It is important not to dwell on the pain or scratch the wounds. What happened happens in the past. Acceptance and a step forward will send the issue into oblivion.