My Kundalini symptoms – comparison

I was just moved to read my entry from November 11, 2022, when I wrote about the symptoms of Kundalini awakening. Back then, I wrote about it more theoretically than practically, citing the impressions of awakened people who published their experiences.

I suspected I was going through this process too, but when I shared my thoughts with friends, they doubted it. I also didn’t have enough evidence and certainty at that time. I knew that something crazy had happened on January 31, 2021, which had been bothering me for weeks. Later, I had no time to think and analyze what was happening to me, but there were huge changes in my life and there were a lot of them. I was caught in a whirlwind of events. It was only this year that I gained confirmation time and time again that I had undoubtedly experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening. I don’t know anyone in Poland who has experienced this. I needed to meet people from other countries who are going through this path to feel understood.

Below I paste the symptoms that I wrote about two years ago, highlighting those that I have already experienced.

The most common symptoms of Kundalini energy awakening

  • intense, involuntary tremor of the body, YES
  • hypersensitivity to light, sounds, YES
  • sleep problems, insomnia, hallucinations, night sweats, YES
  • sudden awakenings at night, uncontrollable movements, YES
  • visual and hearing impairment, YES
  • loss of smell, sight, hearing, or sharpening of the senses to an unimaginable degree, YES
  • sensations of current, fire, vibration through the body, YES
  • open third eye visible as a bulge in the middle of the forehead, NO
  • uncontrollable fainting, falls, tripping over one’s own legs, YES
  • making strange, uncontrollable sounds, NO
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, YES
  • breathing problem, chest tightness, YES
  • change of nail colors, nail loss, NO
  • cracking, peeling of the skin, hives, pimples, cysts, boils, warts, I’VE HAD THIS SINCE I WAS A CHILD 😉
  • hair loss, or change in their structure, standing oak, tangling, YES
  • weight fluctuations, NO
  • nosebleeds, YES
  • the ability to function for weeks without eating or drinking, or sudden bouts of wolf hunger, NO
  • shiny skin, NO
  • changes during menstruation – stronger pain, change in the length of the cycle, YES
  • automatic, uncontrolled movements of the limbs, YES
  • acceleration of metabolism, NO
  • physical weakness, exhaustion, YES
  • stinging, tingling, itching, vibration, numbness, YES
  • feeling extreme cold or hot, YES
  • pain in the spine, back, sensation of a passing current or a writhing snake, YES
  • strange, self-acting reflexes in the spine, joints, tendons, brain, YES
  • watery eyes, YES
  • shooting in the ears, YES
  • headaches, severe pressures, YES
  • stabbing chest pain, YES
  • huge jumps in electricity, possible electric shock to others, YES
  • spasms of the tongue, blisters on the tongue, curling of the tongue backwards, NO
  • migrating toothaches, YES
  • narrowing of the esophagus, difficulty swallowing, drooling, suffocation, choking, difficulty in expressing oneself, YES
  • high fluctuations in pressure and body temperature, YES
  • inexplicable behavior of the body, difficult to define by doctors, YES
  • absence of diseases, HARD TO SAY
  • younger appearance, HARD TO SAY
  • high sensitivity to violence, YES
  • desire to be alone, I’VE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS
  • shocking visions, the feeling of someone’s presence, the presence of saints and beings, YES
  • feelings of death of the ego, I THINK SO
  • clairvoyance, YES
  • the problem of distinguishing the real world from the world of “imagination”, experienced visions, YES
  • feeling lost, crazy, fear of mental state, HARD TO SAY
  • absorbing knowledge, information, searching for sources of knowledge, but also receiving it in visions and voices from within oneself, YES
  • deep understanding, acceptance of the world, understanding of the processes taking place, YES
  • acceptance of events from the past, understanding oneself, YES
  • synchronicity – miraculous coincidences, YES
  • change in behavior, way of functioning, diet, taste cravings, YES
  • a departure from materialism in favor of spirituality, YES
  • bliss, boundless love, YES
  • a feeling of spiritual connection with the Divine, YES
  • new talents, HARD TO SAY
  • telepathic and healing abilities, YES
  • sensation of disintegration or possibility of explosion, YES
  • feeling of being out of the body, YES
  • the impression of changing its size, weight, DURING MEDITATION YES
  • sensation of spinning, YES
  • temporary amnesia, dullness, confusion, YES
  • uncontrollable crying, NO
  • the need to become attached to someone, HARD TO SAY
  • sudden changes in emotions, HARD TO SAY
  • paranoia, HARD TO SAY
  • feeling of the approaching end, NO
  • memories from the past, also from past generations and past lives, HARD TO SAY
  • a sense of their uniqueness, holiness, YES, BUT NOT HOLINESS – MORE ABOUT ADVANCED
  • fear, terrifying visions, NO
  • hypersensitivity to other people’s energy fields, YES
  • mental hypersensitivity, HARD TO SAY
  • alienation, NO
  • loss of faith or sudden deep interest in religion. I NEVER BELIEVED IN RELIGION AND THE CHURCH