Spiritual growth

There is so much going on in me, in my interior, in my surroundings. I feel and receive more and more, and I know that this is only the beginning.

The more I push towards spiritual development, the more it fascinates me. Each subsequent experience increases my confidence and faith. I have always been an observer, analyst and researcher. Now I don’t focus on observing others, my perspective has changed – now I observe myself.

When you are ready, more doors open for you. When you work through your karmas, new possibilities open up.

On the one hand, I am in some respects the same as I have always been, but on the other, I have become more open to expressing myself.

Since I was a child, I liked classical music, but I listened to it quietly. When I wasn’t allowed to listen to the radio, I would take it to my room and listen quietly to classical music broadcasts. When my brother appeared nearby, I switched to, for example, rmi.fm, where I could listen to club music, or to a frequency where rock music was played. Nobody around me listened to classical or opera music, so I felt it was a shame that I liked this music so much.
Currently, for several months I have not been able to listen to anything else. At home, at work, when I travel, I still listen to classical music. Now without any shame or embarrassment. I don’t need to fit in with other people. This is me and these are my vibrations.

All my friends have probably heard for many years how much I love being incognito. That’s why I often wear black to disappear in the crowd, not to stand out. In fact, I was afraid of wearing colorful clothes. I know how it sounds, but I really had too much courage to wear any color other than black or navy blue. This has been changing for me lately. I started to feel good in colorful clothes. I no longer feel afraid of being noticed on the street or anywhere else. Now I feel neutral around people. Unless they vibrate with low energies, because then I feel terrible.

I used to be afraid of going shopping during busy hours. It wasn’t just the queues that put me off, but also being around a lot of people. I haven’t been paying attention to the latter issue lately. It became neutral to me again how many people were in the same place as me. Huge relief.

The above changes are a matter of the last few months. I no longer feel afraid of people or the number of people. I don’t feel the need to adapt to anyone else’s plan. I became an aware and accepting person. I look at people as souls who are on their own individual plans and paths. These souls also experience, fight their karmas, make mistakes and learn. You can’t blame someone for being less aware, less experienced, for their path being this way. My incarnations also included all of this. There were times when I mocked others, and there were times when others mocked me. There were times when I did wrong things, sometimes I was a victim of these things. This is the path of each of us. The faster we process our karmas, the faster we will develop spiritually.

When there is an internal desire to develop, we energetically attract people, events and objects that are supposed to help us achieve this. I experience this to a great extent myself. It would seem unbelievable.

I feel like I might seem unrealistic to the average person. But knowing that this happens to all of us, I stop worrying about what others may think. Although throughout my childhood I heard the phrase “What will others think?”

I’ve been feeling vibrations non-stop lately. It’s constantly happening inside me. These vibrations make me extremely happy. I feel like I am part of the universe. Everything in the universe vibrates with a greater or lesser frequency. Of course I strive to vibrate as strongly as possible.

Recently, there have also been many answers to questions that have been bothering me for years. I’m grateful for that. In particular, I must emphasize what a great contribution Neven Paar has made to this. It’s great that there are people who do not keep their experiences to themselves, but share them with others. Thanks to this, you can prepare in an appropriate way, you can verify your experiences and thoughts, you can open up more and convince yourself that everything is happening properly.

People developing spiritually, over time, become more and more open to the world and become more extroverted. This is what happens to me. I feel the heart chakra and throat chakra being unblocked. The feeling is very strong, if only because I have had very specific and noticeable problems with them since I was a child. Previously, my base chakra was unblocked, which resulted in problems with my legs. The greater the blockades, the more noticeable is their abolition and eradication. This is what happened to me.

I became a happy, accepting person, internally calm, inspired and with a clear goal in life.

It happens that something throws me off balance and my vibrations suddenly drop quite dramatically. A quick response through meditation calms me down and brings acceptance and balance. Now I know that what is difficult is the karma that remains to be worked through. The sooner I fight it, the sooner I come to terms with it, the sooner it will disappear from my life.

Last week I heard that there is a saying in Eastern medicine: “the number of years you are sick, the number of years you are treated.” It sounds a bit cruel, but there is truth in it. The longer you hold certain emotions inside, the longer it takes you to come out of them. There is action, there is reaction. The amount of energy needed to unwind is directly proportional to the amount of energy released from anger, suffering and fear.

Today I feel such internal vibrations inside me that I can’t really explain at the moment. Just at this moment I feel something bordering on hot in the area of ​​the solar plexus and heart chakra. Sensations in the head are very active. I feel like something big is happening inside me, but at the same time I’m not sure what I can do about it right now. I will try to do something through physical activity and meditation.

It was quite a long entry and I think it’s enough for today. I wish you high vibrations :)!