Meaning of letters in names and surnames

The names we bear define our personality. The first letters of the official name are crucial. However, every name we have – including a church name and every surname we have had and now have – and therefore also the surname we had before we were married, has a meaning in our portrait. Any change of personal data has an impact on changes in the person’s activities.

Letters in the name and surname

Vowels appearing in names and surnames are associated with the movements of planets.

Excess vowels in the name and surname may be associated with a lack of control in the emotional sphere. This affects the ability to indulge in the influence of others. A small number of vowels causes a lack of sufficient forces to act.

A small number of consonants compared to the number of vowels can mean poor coordination between mind and body.

Meaning of the name

The letters contained in the name are the key that opens life. The first name is our conscious personality. The second name means hidden personality.

When the first letter of the name is a vowel, it foreshadows a life filled with energy and emotions, and therefore often sudden, impulsive action without thinking.

When the first letter of the name is a consonant, its vibration is important and it affects the person’s action.

Vowels appearing in the name are important for health. They are related to the reaction of the newborn to the first physical contact with the world. In the spiritual realm, vowels are associated with development work. In interpersonal relations, the vibration of the first vowel in the name is important. If changing the name results in a change in the first vowel, then the previous actions are blocked. The position of the first vowel in the name affects the strength of its vibration. The vowel, which is the first letter of the name, works the most.

Meaning of the surname

A surname is a social personality. It is through the surname that we identify with the group. As in the name, each letter has meaning. The strongest vibrations have the first letter of the surname, the first vowel and the first consonant.

Meaning of individual letters

Below is a description of the person by the letters they have. The most important is the first letter of the name. This is the main personality trait. Each subsequent letter is less important than the previous one.

  • A – is associated with the planet Mars. She is demanding, strong-willed, inspiring, idealistic, constructive, ambitious, mental. Her negative features are egoism, nervousness, lack of patience, hypersensitivity. She shows an excess of sarcasm, cynicism, criticism.
  • B – emotional, sensitive, intuitive, requires care (needs someone’s support), closed, secretive. She is organized, creative, a good speaker and diplomat.
  • C – directs her energy to others. She is sociable, charming, gallant. She is a great co-worker with great grace, cheerful personality, nobility. She shows talents, especially artistic ones, has a constructive approach to life.
  • D – material balance. She has the skills to take chances and opportunities to achieve her goals. She has adaptive skills, is capable, effective, practical, organized. She has a great intuition and can be conservative. She needs inspiration.
  • E – is associated with the planet Venus. She is inspiring, inquiring, material. She has the ability to attract. She is active, curious, likes adventures, experience, changeability. She is sensual and spiritual, she likes to learn new things. If the letter “e” is at the end of the name, her strength is perceived by the consonant preceding it.
  • F – dualistic, intuitive. She takes on too much of the burden. She is overwhelmed with responsibility. A proper, undemanding environment will allow her to achieve her goals.
  • G – mental balance. Has the ability to understand valuable and real aspects. Sometimes difficult, haughty, but with self-acceptance, which affects relationships with others, she can have great love. She has awareness of her command and priorities. She is difficult to cooperate with others. She only accepts her point of view. She is active, prone to fighting.
  • H – dualistic, mental. She fosters the use of one’s talents to support others. She is tolerant, courageous, spiritual. She may require rest.
  • I – associated with the planet Saturn. Mental, inspiring. She has high vibrations, she is strong, but also tends to self-destruct. She takes caution, patience, reflection and calm. She can be critical of others, irritating. She can have healing abilities if she develops pure love.
  • J – dualistic, mental. Sophisticated mind, leadership, originality, enthusiasm, will to change. She may hesitate and run away from realization.
  • K (it’s a master 11) – is intuitive, versatile, open, bold, analytical, determined. She is the letter of honesty, truth, understanding. She has the ability to both direct and perform activities. She is flexible, she has adaptability, she is fair.
  • L – mental balance. You can rely on her. She is straightforward, steady, rather slow. She needs a stimulus to act. She can sacrifice excessively, ironize.
  • M – material balance. Practical, dominant, has limits. Implements planned issues. Extremely effective. She has the ability to regenerate, many talents. She is not reckless, she does not take shortcuts, she is sensual. Intuitive leader and performer – when the letter appears in the first place of the official name.
  • N – dualistic, mental. Subconscious understanding of the truth, great imagination, caution, compassion. Easily adapts to life situations. She is an intellectual. She can be nervous, anxious, mobile, meticulous. She likes to experience, travel.
  • O – associated with the planet Jupiter. Quiet, introverted, emotional, inspiring. Strong, ambitious, visionary. Verbal, persistent, but sensitive to criticism and melancholic. Many of the letters “o” stand for suspicion.
  • P – dualistic, mental. Demonstrates feelings, analytical, self-sufficient. Lack of willpower and weak decision-making. She is brave but nervous. She likes power, revolutions (. She has philosophical tendencies. She focuses on herself.
  • R – emotional, inspiring. She has a high intuition, she is trusting. She is interested in secret, deep knowledge, she is a spiritual person. She does not reveal her difficulties, she bravely endures the hardships of life. She is generous and tolerant. She can subordinate to weak individuals she attracts.
  • S – dualistic, emotional. Inspiring, independent, original, emotional. She has difficulty making decisions. She is open and optimistic, likes social contacts and flattery. She lacks sincerity and courage. In particular, she may have trouble admitting her mistakes.
  • T – dualistic, emotional. She fosters action for home, peace and family. She has a strong awareness and connection with others. Interested in self-improvement. She lives in tension, self-control.
  • U – associated with the Moon. Dualistic and intuitive. She is sensitive to her own point, she wants to be admired, visible in a perfect version. She can be haughty, conservative and distant. She likes travelling, creativity. She should be guided by intuition.
  • V (master vibration 22) – balance and intuition. The strongest of all the letters of the alphabet. She promotes risk-taking. She gives mastery, individualism, the need to be appreciated for work. The person with the first letter of the name “v” is destined to undertake great and extraordinary causes.
  • W – dualistic, material. Great mental strength and life wisdom. She has abilities of various kinds. She has knowledge, but emotions block her and do not allow her to rise high. This is a good diagnostician and teacher. A person under the vibration “in” is proud, determined, stubborn, feels good in an orderly system. She does not commit misdemeanors.
  • X – dualistic, emotional, related to karma. It is a symbol of crucifixion. She requires dedication, adjustment. She fosters success in business and artistic fields. A conscious, responsible person who takes on difficult challenges.
  • Y – associated with the planet Mercury. Her strength depends on the connection with the adjacent letter. She is a symbol of human life, roads. A reflective mind, a talent for exploring mysteries, striving for perfection. Idealistic approach to life, high intuition. She desires fulfillment in all spheres: spiritual, mental and material. She requires love, peace. Does not tolerate coercion. She is reluctant to use power, although she has a predisposition to do so.
  • Z – emotional, inspiring. She connects the summit and the valley. She is self-confidence, energetic. She is well organized, systematic. She is controlling, self-controlled, constructive. She emerges victorious from every misfortune. She is prone to hyperbolization.