
Spiritual growth

There is so much going on in me, in my interior, in my surroundings. I feel…

Vibrations and attractiveness

The goal of each of us is to achieve enlightenment in our current or future incarnations.…

Constant changes – raising vibrations

There is not a day when absolutely nothing happens. Even if one day I don’t have…

Violet flame at work with human energy

Working with the violet flame is mainly practiced by people interested in spiritual development and meditation. Using…

The scales of love

Humanity is wrong about fighting wars. Hatred cannot be killed by hatred. Hate is cured by…

I am

I am who I feel. Lesson 1. Each of us strives for enlightenment. Each of us…

I am love

Absolute love is a feeling that should flow from us constantly. Love, i.e. acceptance, cordiality, pleasant,…

Maltese Cross – a symbol of power under God’s control

The Maltese Cross is a symbol of the perfect balance of the flame of God: “as…

Human scent – emotions smell

Recently, not only my hearing has become sharper, but also my sense of smell. More broadly,…

Working with energy

I created a diary section to share my thoughts and experiences related to the topics I…

Cloud of light – exercise

Saint Germain, in the book “On Alchemy – Formulas for Self-Transformation”, presents an exercise whose aim…

Frequency of emotions

The goal of every soul is development. The development of individuals proceeds with very different intensity.…

Channeling in practice

Each of us has the opportunity to become an energy channel. As a channel, we are…

Feeling energy

Right now, as I write this post, I feel like I’m levitating while awake. Until now,…

Life path

The longer I live, the more I believe that there is a purpose in our lives.…


Sapiosexuality is a term used to describe people who are attracted to the intelligence of others.…

Development and relationships

It’s easy to make connections, even if you’re an introvert. But not everyone we deal with…


Noise. I love the buzz. Calms me down. The sound of the sea, the noise of…

Ceremonial cocoa – the drink of the gods

Ceremonial cocoa is otherwise called the drink of the Gods. It is a traditional drink consumed…

Bruno Gröning – a healer from the 20th century

Bruno Groening was a German spiritual healer and teacher. He is remembered for his extraordinary ability…

Ginger – health properties

Ginger is a well-known culinary and medicinal herb. It has many health benefits, including the ability…

Healing methods

Many healing systems have been created with specific names. The systems are based on various methods,…

Snake – symbolism, meaning

The snake in many cultures is a symbol of power, strength and wisdom. He is perceived…

Four levels of energy

There are four basic levels of energy: Core, Crystalline, Cosmic, and Earthly. Each of the levels…

Saint Germain – the enlightened master

Saint Germain is an enigmatic figure known for hundreds of years. He is believed to be…

Programming yourself

From an early age, we are programmed by others. We are taught the rules and dependencies…

Pareidolia – when you see the unusual

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when an individual perceives an obscure or random stimulus…

Maharishi effect

The Maharishi effect is a phenomenon observed in the field of quantum physics. The phenomenon was…

Elderberry – health properties

Elderberry is a shrub native to Europe, North America and parts of Asia. Berries are rich…

Coffee nap

Coffee naps in recent years have gained popularity due to their effectiveness in providing quick bursts…

Luminescence and bioluminescence

Luminescence and bioluminescence are two different forms of light emission. Bioluminescence is the production of light…

What is Karma – Bible, Hinduism, Buddhism

Karma is a faith shared by many different religions, cultures and philosophies. It states that our…

How to read the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an ancient collection of energy records that contain information about the journeys…

Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an ancient metaphysical library of energetic records that contain the history, knowledge,…

Lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a fascinating phenomenon that has stimulated the imagination of dreamers for centuries. Lucid…

Why does it rumble in the stomach

Each of us experiences an unpleasant rumbling in the stomach. Why is this happening? The truth…

Sexual chakra

The sexual chakra (also called sacred) is the energy center in the body that is associated…

Stress – definition, symptoms, what will help

Stress is an inevitable element of life that can significantly affect mental well-being and physical condition.…

Nothing is a coincidence

Everything in life comes at the right time. Be it love, friends, or important events that…

Little known fears – anuptaphobia, phonephobia, somniphobia

Phobias are irrational fears that can cause extreme anxiety in those who suffer from them. While…

The influence of genes on language skills

The concept of learning foreign languages encoded in our genes has been the subject of discussion…

The energy of thought – the source of creation

Thought energy is a powerful force that has been studied for centuries. Many claim that it…

Plants have feelings – a reaction to sounds

The idea that plants have feelings and can respond to stimuli has been the subject of…

Tantra – the connection of body, mind and soul

Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that originated in India thousands of years ago. It focuses…

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects mood, energy levels, and the ability to…

Meditation – techniques and purpose of meditation

Meditation is the practice of calming the mind and body by focusing on one issue, such…

Numerology – genesis

Numerology is the centuries-old practice of using numbers to understand the hidden meaning of life. It…

Internal, external energy and energy tuning

Energy is a fundamental concept in the universe. There are many different types of energy. However,…

Kundalini – human internal energy

The inner energy of Kundalini is considered to be the most powerful force dormant in man.…

Nyctophobia – symptoms, causes, treatment

Nyctophobia is an intense fear of the dark and night. It can be a debilitating condition…